Executive Officer’s report: September 2019

29 September 2019 by

September has had a slower pace for me as I try to use up some of the time-in-lieu I accumulated in preparing and assisting with our August AGM and AMPJP Forum.

I have been working with a committee of the AMPJP Council who are planning a workshop in early November 2019. This workshop will bring together up to two people from our member MPJPs – for most this will be their Member Representative and their Chair. We will be finalising the program and other details in the coming weeks.

Last week, I completed a four-day course on Canon Law for Leaders of Religious Institutes. No, I haven’t formed a new Religious Institute. I was invited to participate in the course to see which parts might be relevant for Trustees of MPJPs. The content of the course was excellent – thanks to the experienced Canonists who presented and were able to provide great case studies and examples. There are another four days that I need to attend to complete the whole course. At that point, I will prepare a paper for the AMPJP Council to consider.

Coincidentally, the Canon Law course was held in a room at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney that has a trap door over a well. This well is feed by a spring that Aboriginal people used as one of their water sources. This well was also used by Mary MacKillop and the other early Sisters of St Joseph.  Later, the Sisters built their refectory over the well so the site continued to be a place of sustenance. Usually the lights within the well shaft are not on and the glass cover is usually locked. We were fortunate that it was opened up for our group. It amazes me to contemplate the vast number of people from different life situations who have all found refreshment and hydration from this water and found fellowship from others that they have met here. I’m not sure the well is the right metaphor for Canon Law.





Pope Francis’ Prayer for October 2019

Pope Francis waves as he leaves at the end of the Jubilee audience in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican May 14, 2016. REUTERS/Alessaandro Bianchi

Heavenly Father,
when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ
rose from the dead,
he commissioned his followers
to “go and make disciples of all nations”
and you remind us that through our Baptism
we are made sharers in the mission of the Church.

Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit
to be courageous and zealous
in bearing witness to the Gospel,
so that the mission entrusted to the Church,
which is still very far from completion,
may find new and efficacious expressions
that bring life and light to the world.

Help us make it possible for all peoples
to experience the saving love
and mercy of Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.



New events listed on the website:

New website content:

The public news section of the AMPJP website now has the following posts: