
1 July 2024 by

@AI pic by freepik The Macquarie Dictionary word of the year for 2023 was “Cozzie livs” — a light-hearted play on the term “cost of living”.  For the Catholic Church in the last year, the word of the year has surely been “Formation”.  And formation is a highly complex subject,
1 July 2024 by

From: Parramatta Diocese        Aug 5 Parramatta and online, Aug 14, Melbourne Dr Myriam Wijlens: “The Prophetic Voice of the Laity in the Renewal of the Church”. Internationally recognised Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, Dr Myriam Wijlens will be coming to Australia as part
31 May 2024 - 19:17, by , in News, zNewsletter, Comments off
I have never really liked “awesome” as a word.  I think it sounds rather American, and I might have used “amazing” or “wonderful” instead. However I am told by younger members of our Church community that I need to update, so there you go! I am now naming the future
31 May 2024 - 18:58, by , in News, zNewsletter, Comments off
Designed for Board Chairs and CEOs  and those who facilitate Board Formation, this webinar will be centred on the needs of smaller RI MPJP school authorities that only have one, two or a few schools.  You may not have a paid team to deliver Board induction and formation. Board members
30 April 2024 by

  The recent meeting of the Chairs and Executive Officers of Catholic Religious Australia, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and AMPJP was very positive. AMPJP was able to share our improving working relationship with Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd and our events website.  We all discussed the frustrating situation with the
20 April 2024 by

Prominent Australian  Church leader and Canonical Steward Susan Pascoe AM has accepted an Honorary Doctorate from Australian Catholic University (ACU). The distinguished educator and former Commissioner, originally from Casterton in Victoria’s southwestern region, received a Doctor of the University (Honoris Causa) before 207 ACU graduates at the Melbourne Convention and
2 April 2024 by

Meeting Summary CORMSAA 7 Mar 2024
30 March 2024 by

Surgun100, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons May this Easter inspire us to greatness for God! Perhaps the greatest benefit of this role is to work with the most competent and inspiring group of Church Leaders that I have ever known. There is just more talent in one room, or one
1 March 2024 by

Looking forward this year, each area of the work of AMPJP is developing strongly… On the formation front, Dr Chris Jacobs-Vandegeer is leading a Wisdom Circle for Canonical Stewards of MPJPs on Bonhoeffer and how we truly see someone as part of a focus on our understanding of the human
18 February 2024 by

Church agencies at the frontline of family violence call for greater whole-of-church response Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the institutional Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Caritas Australia, Catholic Social Services Australia,
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