CORMSAA Forum: Empowering Boards of smaller School Authorities: Induction and Formation: Wednesday June 19, 4.30pm, Online

31 May 2024 - 18:58, by , in News, zNewsletter, Comments off

Designed for Board Chairs and CEOs  and those who facilitate Board Formation, this webinar will be centred on the needs of smaller RI MPJP school authorities that only have one, two or a few schools.  You may not have a paid team to deliver Board induction and formation.

Board members come from a wide range of backgrounds and need a thoughtful and personalised induction and formation program so they can perform their role with confidence and competence.

Come online and also have the opportunity to share your thoughts with your peers.

Facilitators will be senior educational leaders Sr Brigette Sipa rsj and Audrey Brown 


Mary Retel BA, DipEd  MEd Ldshp, was the Deputy Director of Catholic Education in Western Australia and the Executive Secretary of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) for 10 years.

She is currently the chair of the Oblates sponsored Mazenod College in W.A. where she oversees the induction and continuing formation of all Board Members.  Mary will share from the perspective of a board chair of a Religious Institute school authority with a single school. One of her key roles is to support, encourage, form and retain her Board members, in co-operation with the Principal.


Caroline Thompson EdD was appointed Director of Formation for the MPJP, Mercy Partners, in  2015. She works at a national level in secondary education and adult faith formation, having previously served as Principal, Assistant Principal, Religious Education Coordinator, Head of Curriculum and Leader of Pedagogy. She completed her doctoral studies in faith leadership in 2011.

Caroline is the author of a comprehensive guide to Board development in Catholic ministries, Partnership in Mission: Leadership Succession, which covers the whole development and sustenance of a Board and of Board members. Caroline will share on how to design Board inductions to meet the needs of those experienced in canonical and civil governance, and also those just beginning that journey. She will also explain the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral dimensions of formation.

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