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Olive Tree Travel Pilgrimages


A Strengthening of your Convictions Catholic Pilgrimage Tours are designed so that you are travelling with like-minded individuals who share your passion to go deeper in your faith. Celebrate a memorable private Mass at Gethsemane and Nazareth led by your own Priest. Follow the Palm Sunday Road, stopping at Dominus

Spirit on Country – NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal and Torres St Islander Education Conference

Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Conference Centre

Hosted by Armidale Catholic Schools, the conference will provide a unique opportunity for educators to advance their professional knowledge and skills, improve educational outcomes, and champion reconciliation among families and communities based on their improved understanding of culture. Attendees will explore the implications of NSW Curriculum Reform’s explicit inclusion of


Aggiornamento – “Updating” through ACU Professional Development


The word aggiornamento is Italian for "updating" and came to prominence as one of the aims for the Church of the Second Vatican Council. The Aggiornamento Series consists of 2-3-hour, individual, online modules that can be offered in bespoke combinations as short courses. The modules can be undertaken either as

$30 – $50

Didasko Faith Formation


The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Christian Thought and Practice Presented by Dr Angus Brooke This short course will explore the influence of Ancient Philosophy on Christian thought and practice, particularly on the development of the liturgy of hours and breviary from early Christianity through to the late medieval period.


Engaging Your Faith Series- October 2024


Engaging Your Faith (EYF) is a series of short, online presentations that invite participants to reflect on what it means to be people of faith in the contemporary world. Experienced lecturers from Catholic Theological College present on a variety of topics such as Religion and Ethics, Philosophy, Gospel of Luke,

$25 – $40

Transform Your Parish: The Role of Metrics (Statistics) in Renewal

Are you ready to ignite transformation in your parish but don't know where to start? Join us for our upcoming online event, Transform Your Parish: The Role of Metrics in Renewal. We'll explore how using metrics can provide valuable insights to guide your parish through its renewal journey and help


The Right to Disconnect


Discussion with Q & A  A major update to Australian employment law came into effect recently, granting many employees the "right to disconnect." Under Section 333M of the Fair Work Act 2009, employees will be entitled to disregard work-related communications from their employer or third parties outside of their designated

Chris Sidoti – The human rights situation in Palestine


I'm sure you're all very aware of the human tragedy unfolding in the Middle East, particularly in Gaza, Palestine and more broadly in the whole Middle East. This month we are privileged to welcome Australian international human rights consultant, Chris Sidoti, a member of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry
