Christmas Day

Christian Festival of the birth of Jesus

Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708), the 10th and final Sikh master, created the Khalsa (the Community of the Pure) and declared the Scriptures (Guru Granth Sahib) to be the Sikh's Guru from that time on.


Signifying the end of the 12 days of Christmas, Epiphany celebrates the visit of Three Kings to the infant Jesus as the occasion of the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles.

Nativity (Orthodox)

Nativity is the Orthodox celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who is considered by Christians to be the Son of God, and the savior of all people.

Mahayana New Year

The Buddhist New Year depends on the country of origin or ethnic background of the people. In Mahayana countries the new year starts on first full moon day in January. A time to reflect on the past & cleanse oneself from prior year's sins, making a fresh start


Sikh event of Maghi commemorates the sacrifice of the Chali Mukte (the Forty Liberated Ones), who sacrificed their own lives defending an attack by the imperial army in pursuit of Guru Gobind Singh. This took place in Khidrane di Dhab, on 29 December 1705.

Synodality training course

Course on Synodality promoted by the Evangelii Gaudium Centre (attached) Three online lectures starting at 4.00am AEDT cost 100 euro Those who intend to register for the entire course must do so by 15 January 2023. Those wishing to follow one or more modules, on the other hand, have a



Pongal is a four-day harvest festival celebrated by Tamil people in India and Sri Lanka, dedicated to the Hindu Son of God Surya, thanking Surya for agricultural abundance.

Epiphany (Orthodox)

Also known as The Feast of Theophany, this observance commemorates Christ's baptism by John the Baptist in the River Jordan.

Chinese New Year

Also known as Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China and for Chinese people around the world. Celebrated by Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist practitioners.

“Walking together: what lies ahead on the journey to a Synodal Church”

Newman College, Melbourne 887 Swanston St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Public Forum for 150 people facilitated by Rev Frank Brennan SJ with Sister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ. Nathalie is a French Sister of the Congregation of Xavières. In May 2019 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor to the Synod of Bishops and in 2021 she was appointed by Pope

Towards a spirituality of synodality

Newman College, Melbourne 887 Swanston St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Public lecture for 150 people or watch online as live stream withSister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ. Nathalie is a French Sister of the Congregation of Xavières. In May 2019 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor to the Synod of Bishops and in 2021 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Undersecretary

The Synod on Synodality – Why we should care?

SYNODALITY is a Church word for inclusive leadership, listening to the sense of faith of the faithful. Pope Francis has called a two-part Synod on Synodality in Rome in 2023 and 2024. The Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific) are meeting in Fiji

“Walking together: what lies ahead on the journey to a Synodal Church”

St Patrick's Cathedral Hall, Parramatta 1 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW, Australia

Public Forum for 250 people with Sister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ. Nathalie is a French Sister of the Congregation of Xavières. In May 2019 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor to the Synod of Bishops and in 2021 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Undersecretary of the Synod of

“Towards a spirituality of synodality”

St Patrick's Cathedral Hall, Parramatta 1 Marist Place, Parramatta, NSW, Australia

Public lecture for 700 people or watch online as live stream with Sister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ. Nathalie is a French Sister of the Congregation of Xavières. In May 2019 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor to the Synod of Bishops and in 2021 she was appointed by Pope Francis

Nirvana Day

Nirvana Day (or Parinirvana Day) is a Mahayana holiday which celebrates the day when the Buddha is said to have achieved Parinirvana (complete enlightenment) upon the death of his physical body.


MahaShivaratri (or ‘Great Night of Shiva’) is a festival celebrated in honour of the Hindu deity Lord Shiva, one of the deities of the Hindu Trinity.

Lailat al Miraj

Observance of Prophet Muhammad’s night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension (al Miraj) to heaven and return the same night. Also known as ‘Night of Journey’ (al Isra).

Modern Slavery: MPJP Canonical Stewards respond

What is modern slavery? How is it present in Australia? Modern Slavery Act 2018 Appropriate responses to modern slavery? Catholic Social Teaching and modern slavery What is the role of ACAN and ACRATH? What role is there for MPJP Canonical Stewards?   Presenters: Rosemary Copeland: Co-Chair Kildare Ministries Christine Carolan, National

Tibetan (Buddhist) New Year

The Tibetan (Buddhist) New Year, also known as Losar, is a three-day festival where people visit monasteries, make offerings, receive blessings and take part in various activities symbolizing purification and welcoming in the new.