
BBI Professional Development Courses June and July


June 20 and 27 Moses and the Exodus two after school sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes each July 1-5 Four days on the Sacraments with Gerard Moore in Perth for Catholic Education Western Australia 9-10 July Catholic Forms of Prayer a one and a half day online intensive led

Aggiornamento – “Updating” through ACU Professional Development


The word aggiornamento is Italian for "updating" and came to prominence as one of the aims for the Church of the Second Vatican Council. The Aggiornamento Series consists of 2-3-hour, individual, online modules that can be offered in bespoke combinations as short courses. The modules can be undertaken either as

$30 – $50

Brian “Brother” Smiddy – This worker life


For our July webinar, we have a very special guest, former Melbourne YCW leader and trade unionist, Brian "Brother" Smiddy. In collaboration with Jean Ker Walsh, Brian has recently published his autobiography "Brother Smiddy - This worker life," which tells the story of how he came to be such a
