Executive Director Report October 2024: What is the ultimate Aim of Formation?

1 October 2024 by

From the beginning of his pontificate and even before, Pope Francis has encouraged every Catholic to grow into a Missionary Disciple of Jesus.  Only by living out a full Catholic Christian life will each of us gain a closer relationship with Jesus and all the joy and happiness in life that is possible.  This is living “life to the full.” (John 10:10)

So in this quieter period for AMPJP, after the Forum, when there is less news to share, I might start a conversation regarding basic Catholic formation, which is key to the work of all canonical stewards and other Catholic leaders. You might have other and better ways of describing this, and let’s share them with each other when we can.   Let’s start with Pope Francis’s words in The Joy of the Gospel:

“In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the people of God have become missionary disciples (cf. Mt 28:19). … The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized…

Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: We no longer say that we are ‘disciples’ and ‘missionaries’ but rather that we are always ‘missionary disciples.” 

So for Pope Francis the ultimate goal of all formation is this Missionary Discipleship. This has also been spoken of as conversion, holiness, Christian living and more, and in practical terms these are simply different ways to describe the same journey. Missionary Discipleship is of course not only a baptismal gift, but also a choice each person makes for themselves. And there is a choice every day to continue on that journey, at best assisted by a framework of discipleship that works for lay people in Australia today.

In my work leading formation, participants have been very keen to have that framework for living out missionary discipleship.  There are many ways of describing it, this is my version developed with the help of many others:

A Missionary Disciple…

  • Has a personal relationship with Jesus
  • Has a daily prayer life
  • Has a commitment to Sunday Eucharist and the Sacraments
  • Uses their gifts in ministry
  • Knows basic Catholic theology (Kerygma)
  • Has a knowledge and love of the Scriptures
  • Can and does share their faith with others (makes us a “Missionary” disciple)
  • Personally outreaches to people in need (makes us a “Missionary” disciple)
  • Gives generously
  • Experiences real Christian community (usually in a small group where they have friends)

Every Catholic organisation, including MPJPs, also has Missionary Discipleship as the ultimate aim of their formation.  So every organisation might consider how they can offer a voluntary program of formation, starting with the basics and going beyond, which will encourage the formation of true Missionary Disciples in our midst today.

i will be very interested to hear the response of others.

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