Event Series Introduction to Mission

Introduction to Mission


Catholic Mission and BBI-TAITE together have created an online asynchronous short course Introduction to Mission. It may be of interest to you or to your associates.  The intention is to bring a solid foundation in Catholic Mission to workers, administration, teachers and employees in general.  It would also be suitable


BBI The Australian Institute of Theological Education – The Prophets


One of the largest sections of the Bible is made up of the prophetic books. The books of the prophets are centred on the lives and teachings of prophets and their disciples. You might have heard about the prophets’ calls to social justice. However, there’s more to their mission than

BBI The Australian Institute of Theological Education – The Mass (in three hours!)


With Pope Francis encouraging us to know more about the mass, these two sessions lay out the basic structure and theological underpinnings of the Mass, with some hints about planning and best practice Session 1: Thursday 20 November 2025 Session 2: Thursday 27 November 2025 4:00PM or 4:00PM /7:00PM BBI-TAITE continues