My Spiritual Journey – Spirituality in the Pub

Wyoming NSW The Grange Hotel, Wyoming, NSW, Australia

You are invited to join us for a conversation on our 2025 theme "My Spiritual Journey" Guest Speakers Barbara Novak   and   Denise Harris Barbara is a Holistic Life Coach, who migrated to Australia in 1973 and has since moved 39 times, often renovating homes on the way. Her varied work experience

Spirituality on the Sofa – Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence

Online via Zoom

Celebrating the 30th year of Spirituality in the Pub (SIP) Annual Theme:   Conscience Professor Lyria Bennett-Moses; Professor Tanveer Zia share their thoughts on Artificial Intelligence Moderator for the evening will be Susan Eichorn An initiative of Catalyst for Renewal


Conscience: a modern context

Online via Zoom

Celebrating the 30th year of Spirituality in the Pub (SIP) Annual Theme:   Conscience Geraldine Doogue AO; Michael Whelan sm share their thoughts on  Conscience: a modern context Moderator for the evening will be Susan Eichorn An initiative of Catalyst for Renewal