Modern Slavery: Leadership and Accountability for Social Change

University of Notre Dame Broadway Campus

The event will feature a panel of distinguished speakers who will share their insights and expertise on the impact and future direction of the Modern Slavery Act, the Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network (ACAN) Program, Catholic leadership and partnerships that can make a difference to people impacted by modern slavery. The

Benedict XVI’s Legacy: Encountering Culture Conference

University of Notre Dame Broadway Campus

‘Today more than ever, reciprocal openness between the cultures is a privileged context for dialogue between people committed to seeking an authentic humanism, over and above the divergences that separate them. In the cultural arena too, Christianity must offer to all a most powerful force of renewal and exaltation, that


G.R.A.C.E Research Colloquium

University of Notre Dame Freemantle Campus

Head, Heart and Hands: Together in Faith G.R.A.C.E is an international community of practice focussed on Catholic education globally. G.R.A.C.E is a long-term research based partnership project between the University of Notre Dame Australia, Mary Immaculate College Limerick in Ireland, Boston College United States, St Mary’s Twickenham, UK and OIEC

Eschatology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

University of Notre Dame Broadway Campus

"Behold I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." (Rev 22:12) The Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium series convenors would like to welcome