Tag: community services

24 June 2024 by

The Honorable Malarndirri McCarthy, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health will speak on improving health outcomes for Indigenous Australians. This is the annual Venerable Mary Aikenhead Oration. R S V P : 5  July 2024 N B : Please indicate if you are attending the event in
24 June 2024 by

It’s often challenging to find formation programs for formators to grow their own skills, not the shaping of content, which is always context-specific, but processes and honing skills of cultivating deep understanding and learning for those with whom they minister. Formators come to formation for mission from various pathways with
28 May 2024 by

Welcoming Seasonal Workers in Australia: Gift and Responsibility The 7th ACMRO National Conference will address the issues of seasonal and migrant workers in Australia, emphasising their contributions to Australian society beyond their labour. Seasonal workers come from overseas, specifically from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste, and travel and work temporarily
23 April 2024 by

Update:  Well-known Education leader and consultant Phil Billington has joined as co-facilitator of the Ministry Leadership Program A formation program for executive leaders of Catholic ministries. The future of Catholic ministries depends on leaders responding effectively to the business, clinical and social environments of the organisations they lead.  This includes
18 February 2024 by

Church agencies at the frontline of family violence call for greater whole-of-church response Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the institutional Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Caritas Australia, Catholic Social Services Australia,