Tag: education

11 July 2024 by

Join us to celebrate the Season of Creation in 2024 at our Catholic Earthcare Convocation! We are called together during this convocation to ‘wonder’, ‘weave’ and ‘heal’ Earth and the whole of creation. Gather online during Day 1 and 2 to engage in keynote presentations, workshops, discussions and spiritual experiences.
11 July 2024 by

The course is aimed at priests, deacons, religious, consecrated, pastoral workers, lay men and women involved in building a synodal Church. Through a series of lectures and group work within an intercultural and interdisciplinary context, the course intends to offer pastoral and theological tools for synodality. The first class will
11 July 2024 by

30TH ASEACCU CONFERENCE 2024 “What makes a Catholic University Catholic?” Expressing and Integrating Identity and Mission
1 July 2024 by

@AI pic by freepik The Macquarie Dictionary word of the year for 2023 was “Cozzie livs” — a light-hearted play on the term “cost of living”.  For the Catholic Church in the last year, the word of the year has surely been “Formation”.  And formation is a highly complex subject,
1 July 2024 by

From: Parramatta Diocese        Aug 5 Parramatta and online, Aug 14, Melbourne Dr Myriam Wijlens: “The Prophetic Voice of the Laity in the Renewal of the Church”. Internationally recognised Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, Dr Myriam Wijlens will be coming to Australia as part
24 June 2024 by

It’s often challenging to find formation programs for formators to grow their own skills, not the shaping of content, which is always context-specific, but processes and honing skills of cultivating deep understanding and learning for those with whom they minister. Formators come to formation for mission from various pathways with
24 June 2024 by

Join us for what will be a fascinating and entertaining conversation with popular author Michael McGirr and Alice Carwardine, Catholic Earthcare Coordinator Caritas Australia. Together they will discuss Michael’s new book Every Day is New:  Prayers & Reflections for Ordinary Time. In Every Day is New, Michael invites you to put aside a little time on the
18 June 2024 by

This course can be used for Accreditation for Middle Leaders and Accreditation for Leadership in a Catholic School. This course examines key Papal and local Church documents on our ‘Common Home’, through examining key Church Environmental and Ecological teachings. How these teachings are then applied to how we live in God’s creation and our schools response and call to examine our own personal ecological conversion and response are explored.  CEWA Scholarships can be used to cover the course cost. Duration: Monday July 22nd
18 June 2024 by

Safeguarding in international contexts: for Church Authorities and Church personnel who have international ministries presented by Fr Brian Lucas, National Director, Catholic Mission  
17 June 2024 by

What is Prayer? What is this mysterious reality we call prayer? Is it a luxury for the leisurely? A practice reserved for those who are good enough to do it? And even if we are interested in praying, how do we go about doing it, and what should we expect