Tag: whole of church approach

24 June 2024 by

The Honorable Malarndirri McCarthy, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians and Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health will speak on improving health outcomes for Indigenous Australians. This is the annual Venerable Mary Aikenhead Oration. R S V P : 5  July 2024 N B : Please indicate if you are attending the event in
11 June 2024 by

NCLS Research is pleased to invite you to a free webinar on Thursday 27th June to hear the latest findings on innovation in church life. Join us for an engaging webinar where we delve into the latest research on local churches’ readiness to innovate, and provide a 2024 snapshot of church planting
26 February 2024 by

CSNSW looks forward to welcoming you for this two-day immersive event. It will be a crucial springboard for continuing the conversations in 2024 to further explore our collective impact to work in mutually supportive and reinforcing ways, to build and sustain flourishing communities. •Full day Symposium on Tuesday 12 March
18 February 2024 by

Church agencies at the frontline of family violence call for greater whole-of-church response Australia’s largest Catholic social service agencies want more advocacy, education, and collaboration within the institutional Church to improve the response to the scourge of family violence, a new report has found. Caritas Australia, Catholic Social Services Australia,