Public Forum for 250 people with Sister Nathalie Becquart XMCJ. Nathalie is a French Sister of the Congregation of Xavières. In May 2019 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor to the Synod of Bishops and in 2021 she was appointed by Pope Francis as Undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops. She is the first woman to ever hold this position in the Vatican and the first woman to have voting rights in the Synod of Bishops.
Sr. Nathalie has played a significant role in both the Synod on Young People in 2018 and the Synod on the Pan-Amazon Region in 2019.
Sr. Nathalie is coming to Australia for a few days only on her whirlwind tour, and places will be limited for her free events in Melbourne and Sydney. Please register to avoid disappointment, as places at each event are limited!