Resource to help you live and share your faith

16 May 2019 by

The National Centre for Evangelisation provides a free newsletter and other support for Catholics who want to better live and share your faith.


“In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples (Matthew 28:19). All the baptised, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelisation, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelisation to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients.” (Evangelii Gaudium #120)

Membership of the Agents of Evangelisation Network is open to anyone who wishes to contribute to the task of evangelisation in Australia either by sharing their wisdom, resources or time as well as those who are seeking assistance with how to go about sharing their faith. As our own resources grow, and as we become aware of others, we will be endeavouring to share them with all members of this network.

If you would like to join the Agents of Evangelisation Network, please complete and submit the form found at this link