About Us

The establishment of the Association of Ministerial PJPs Ltd (a Company Limited by Guarantee) on 5 May 2016 marked an historic development for the Australian Church in relation to lay ecclesial leadership.


The Association of Ministerial PJPs (AMPJP) brings together the MPJPs of some of Australia’s major Catholic health, aged and community care, and educational organisations. This umbrella body allows the canonical stewards of these MPJPs to interact formally with Bishops, Church agencies and, importantly, with one another.


The ministries of Ministerial PJPs often choose to belong to the peak Catholic body for their sector (e.g. Catholic Health Australia – for health and aged care; Catholic Social Services Australia – for welfare services and National/State Catholic Education Commission – for schools). These bodies typically: advocate member views/interests with government/other bodies; support members build their service capacity and assist members advance their Catholic identity. AMPJP aims to work collaboratively with other peak Catholic bodies where there is a shared role.


AMPJP has the unique roles of developing/supporting MPJP canonical stewards and of representing MPJPs collectively.


Annual Report and other documents are available on our Resources page


In fostering the ministry of canonical governance, the Association of Ministerial PJPs, supports its members, as an umbrella organisation, to flourish individually and together in communion with the Catholic Church.


Our Vision is for flourishing, vibrant Catholic ministries governed by well-formed Canonical Stewards, continuing Jesus' mission in Australia and beyond in the 21st century.


inclusive, relational, collaborative and prophetic.

Objects and Aims
The charitable objects of the new Association identified in its constitution are:
  1. offering a contemporary, encouraging example of Christ’s mission at work in the world – “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10)
  2. actively enabling the co-responsibility of laity and clergy for the life of the Church and its ministries
  3. facilitating collegial interaction between canonical stewards of the member PJPs
  4. providing the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Religious Australia, their respective members and other Catholic entities with a point of liaison with member PJPs and their canonical stewards
  5. supporting canonical stewards in their ministry of governance by -
    1. fostering the capability of current and future canonical stewards, including through facilitating formation activities and qualifications to support canonical stewards and their staff
    2. facilitating access to canonical governance and related advice
    3. communicating to the member PJPs relevant matters of significance
  6. promoting and proclaiming Catholic identity as an integral part of the PJPs ministries.


Each member of the association appoints a representative.

The Constitution allows for the AMPJP Council to have as many members as there are representatives.

Current office holders:

  • Council Chair: Moira Najdecki
  • Council Deputy Chair: Liz Vinning
  • Treasurer: Patrick Cooper
  • Company Secretary: Martin Teulan


The photo below shows the members of the AMPJP Council in August 2024:


Back row:

The Hon. Michael Lee (Calvary Ministries); Patrick Cooper (Catholic Healthcare); Richard Haddock AO (Mary Aikenhead Ministries); Peter Steane (Catholic Healthcare – retiring); Jennifer Stratton (MercyCare); Neville Owen (St John of God Australia); Martin Teulan (AMPJP Exec Director)

Second back row, centred:

Beth Gilligan (Edmund Rice Education Australia); Moira Najdecki (Good Samaritan Education); Julianna Drobik OP(Dominican Education Australia)

Front Row:

Rosemary Copeland (Kildare Ministries);Liz Vinning (Sophia Education Ministries); Margaret Bounader (Mercy Ministry Companions); Kieran McCarthy (Mercy Partners)