AMPJP Executive Officer’s report on May 2022

30 May 2022 by

Culture is often seen more clearly when you encounter a contrast that makes you realise that you think, feel, see and act differently to others.

During May 2022, there were two events that gave me an appreciation that there is such a thing as “the Australian way”.

The first was the signing of the ACBC-AMPJP Accord. I am not aware of any episcopal conference that has documented: (1) that it recognises MPJPs as Church Authorities to whom they are bound in bonds of communion and mission and (2) how it will collectively engage with MPJPs to furthers these bonds for the sake of God’s mission. The signing of the document was the culmination of a two year process initiated by AMPJP Council Chair: Eva Skira AM.

The second was the permanent rescheduling of Laudato si’ week in Australia to the week prior to international celebrations of Laudato si’ week. If the international dates were used in Australia, they would clash with National Reconciliation week. The ACBC Office for Justice Ecology and Peace explains the reasoning as:

Reconciliation Week is a major national event that draws attention to a fundamental question of justice in Australian society. It should not be displaced by or simply subsumed into other celebrations. 

Without much fuss, the Australian Church is simply showing that we have our own priorities and processes. There is no criticism of others. It is simply a case of: “it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” (Acts 15:28). Recognising the importance of National Reconciliation Week is consistent with the strong support for better incorporation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Catholic Church and the endorsement of the From the Heart Statement by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference., Catholic Religious Australia and a number of other Church Authorities.


May the peoples praise you, O God:
May all the peoples praise you!
In the spirit of Laudato Si’, may we:
repent as well as rejoice,
sigh as well as sing,
learn from new voices in an ancient land,
respect all that is different and diverse,
love connection and community,
enjoy participation and possibility,
search both inner and outer landscapes
for your Spirit.
May the peoples praise you, O God:
May all the peoples praise you!
Laudato Si’ mi Signore! (“Praise be to you, my Lord”)


From ACBC Laudato si week resources


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Featured photo: Lawrie Hallinan