Canonical Stewards Forum

6 September 2017 by

Canonical Stewards Forum
From Left: Sheree Limbrick (Catholic Professional Standards Ltd), Hon Geoffrey Giudice AO (Catholic Professional Standards Ltd), Eva Skira (Deputy Chair), Paul Oakley cfc (Chair), Gabrielle McMullen AO (Deputy Chair)

The Association held its second Forum since it was incorporated, at the Holiday Inn, Melbourne Airport, on the 28th August 2017.

The Forum was well attended with 48 being present on the day, with all PJP members and those who are likely to become members in the near future being represented. The Forum provided a great opportunity for the various Trustees/Directors to get to know each other and share ideas and concepts, as well as participating in the formal sessions.

The day commenced with a Welcome from Peter Nicholson, an Acknowledgement of Country by Professor Jack Flanagan and the Opening Reflection led by Sandra Lupi rsm.

Brother Oakley cfc, the Chair of the Association of Ministerial PJPs Limited, then recapped on the progress that has been made over the last 5 years in bringing the Association to reality. He highlighted that It started with a meeting of representatives of new and future PJPs at Catholic Religious Australia’s offices at Annandale on 23rd July 2012 .At this meeting it was identified that there was a need for a formal body to represent and support the new Ministerial PJPS, similar to what CRA has done for its members for many years. He acknowledged the support that CRA provided in the early stages of the Association’s development.

Brother Paul then highlighted the specific activities that the Association had undertaken since it was established, and the important relationships it had created with the various Stakeholders. He pointed out that almost all the Action Items that came out of the 2016 Canonical Stewards Forum had been attended to. He also gave the attendees an opportunity to provide comment on the draft Mission and Vision Statement and the Statement of Strategic Intent which had been developed by the Initial Council, and had been provided to the Members for comment before the Forum. The feedback is to be used by the new Council in finalising the documents.

Brother Paul also referred to the Initial Council finishing at the AGM to be held later in the day, with the election of the new Council which will reduce in number from the current 9 to 7. The need to ensure that the Association does not lose momentum as a result of the change in Council membership, and the importance of ensuring that all PJPs have input into in its development at this early stage was seen as critical.

The Forum was fortunate to have the Hon Geoffrey Giudice AO, a Director of Catholic Professional Standards Limited, provide an update on the progress made with the establishment of this new body, which was formed as a result of the recent Royal Commission. He also introduced Sheree Limbrick, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Professional Standards Limited, and they both generously answered questions raised about the role and method of operation of the new company.

The final session was led by Gabrielle McMullen AO, a member of the Initial Council, who sought input on what the various PJPS see as the key issues for the sector, and what role the Association can play in addressing these.

Brother Paul then summarised the outcomes of the earlier sessions, and extended a vote of thanks to all those who supported the Forum.
The company then held its first Annual General Meeting, at which amongst other items, the new Council was elected.

Pat Bugden- Executive Officer.