General Member Area

8 March 2019 by
AMPJP submission to Plenary Council 2020

Click here for a PDF copy of the AMPJP Submission to the Plenary Council 2020   The Holy Spirit has moved more than 222,000 people to share their hopes and concerns with the Australian Church’s Plenary Council 2020. The Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP) and its members have
6 September 2018 by
AMPJP at Catholic Health Australia conference

Lawrie Hallinan, AMPJP Executive Officer, attended the CHA conference along with the Trustees of many AMPJP member organisations. All presentations, approved for publishing, will be available on the new CHA website soon. Only the following presentations are available at present: CHA Conference Presentations Mission Concurrent Session – CLICK HERE  for Modern