
29 April 2018 by

  Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and be glad): On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World[i] has much to offer both individuals and groups. The Pope’s exhortation can be read in conjunction with the AMPJP Gaudete et Exsultate group reflection guide which can aid canonical stewards
18 April 2018 by

If you want to feel affirmed and empowered as a Catholic read: “The Obligations and Rights of all the Christian Faithful” in the Code of Canon Law (Cann. 208 – 231). This is the recommendation of Sr Maria Casey RSJ. On 11 April 2018, I met with Maria, the President
28 March 2018 by

Overview The month of March has been a month of consolidation for me. I spent some time preparing for our end of financial year audit. I followed-up issues from the February AMPJP Council meeting. I also drafted some organisational policies for the AMPJP Council to consider. I was pleased to
26 March 2018 by

“If the safety of children and other vulnerable people is not at the very centre of the Catholic Church’s mission both here and in all other places around the world then something has gone very wrong in our Church,” Sheree Limbrick, chief of Catholic Professional Standard Ltd (CPSL) said yesterday.
26 March 2018 by

1.  New chapter for Mary Aikenhead Ministries outreach ministry After 28 years of “addressing unmet social need” in NSW, the Sisters of Charity Outreach has a new name and a new goal to attract more volunteers and donors. The not-for-profit, social welfare organisation – which provides much-needed support services to
19 March 2018 by

As we mark the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Francis the official trailer for Wim Wenders’ new film, Pope Francis – A Man of His Word. “Pope Francis – A Man of His Word,” is intended to be a personal journey with Pope Francis, rather than a biographical
9 March 2018 by

Every family and organisation has its anniversaries and special occasions. For St John of God Health Care the 8th of March is the day they celebrated their original founder, St John of God. Their website has an inspirational page entitled Walking in St John of God’s footsteps. You can also
7 March 2018 by

Pope Francis on Friday (02 March 2018) released a video message accompanying his prayer intention for March, which this month is “For formation in spiritual discernment”. The Pope urges people to develop the practice of discernment on a personal and communitarian level. For canonical stewards of Ministerial PJPs that strive
5 March 2018 by

Each year at AIATSIS we celebrate International Women’s Day to acknowledge the women around the globe who continue to empower women and girls through leadership, advocacy, strength and courage. Whether its women in their local communities and regions or on the international stage, women continue to strive to make a
1 March 2018 by

This International Women’s Day (8 March) there is some good news on the participation of women in Catholic Church governance. The most recent Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP) survey of its members found: 60% of Trustees are women; and 52% of the members of the Boards of Ministerial