December 2018, Executive Officer’s Report

24 December 2018 by

Even though this newsletter is published on 01 January, I still want to wish all a Happy Christmas. The reason being that the contents of the newsletter cover the month of December where Christmas looms large. Also I am writing this before Christmas as I will be on leave from 21 December until Mon 07 January 2019. Christmas is a profound religious event but it also collects expectations and workload pressures associated with family gatherings, summer holidays and wanting to finish projects before the break. I thought the cartoon below captured a sense of those pressures.

As you can see from the new website content list (below), I have had a busy December. There were visits to key partners and agencies and visits with AMPJP member organisations. I am enthused by the sharing at our first member consultation to develop an AMPJP submission to the Plenary Council 2020. I can see that these consultations will help us grow in our understanding of what God is asking of us – we might even have a few insights relevant to the rest of the Church.


New events listed on the website:


New website content:

The public news section of the AMPJP website now has the following posts: