Christmas prayer and office closure

21 December 2018 by

Jesus born once, long ago in Bethlehem

We pray that we be open to you today:

be born in our hearts – make your home in us so that we may bring you to all those we meet;

be born in our families – so that our relationships with each other might transmit your joy, forgiveness and healing;

be born in our Church – so that in prayer and care you are present – making us your body;

be born in Australia – so that the poor, vulnerable, and refugees are embraced and everyone has a chance to reach their potential; and

be born in our world – so that all species may flourish and live in harmony

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matt 28:20b)


The AMPJP office will be closed from Friday 21 Dec 2018 and reopen on Monday 07 Jan 2019.