Mission: Every person, Everywhere, Everyday

Many people have heard Dr Stephen Bevan’s bring to life images of God and teach about contemporary Mission in ways that fire up the heart and imagination. In August, when Dr Bevan’s visits Australia, he will present on how we are moving from Mission Ad Gentes to Mission Inter-Gentes. He will

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Commemorates the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven - at the end of her life, Mary, the mother of Christ, was taken body and soul (i.e. both physically and spiritually) into Heaven. Also known as the Feast of the Assumption.

AMPJP AGM and Forum

Treacy Centre 126 The Avenue, Parkville, VIC, Australia

An AMPJP event where all the canonical stewards and ‘Executive Officers’ of Australian Ministerial PJPs gather to: network, discuss shared concerns, hear information on common issues, and discuss responses to shared goals/issues. AMPJP Dinner-Forum 20-21 August 2023 flyer v3 Proudly sponsored by:

Catholic Health Australia National Conference

The Westin, Perth 480 Hay St,, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Registration brochure and other information at: https://www.cha.org.au/events/encounter-2023-catholic-health-australia-national-conference/

A mission-focused discussion about the Catholic Church and matters LGBTQIA+

Mary MacKillop Place 11 Mount Street,, North Sydney, NSW, Australia

On 4 August 2023, the Pope told us that *‘Everyone, Everyone, Everyone’ is part of our Church! Pope Francis calls for a more inclusive, participatory and synodal Church which listens and dialogues with the faithful and helps us to understand the current reality of the Catholic Church in Australia. CRA


All Saints Day

All Saints Day honours exemplary Christians who achieved sainthood, especially those not having a special day. For many Christian denominations, all Saints Day is a remembrance of departed Christian people of any time and place.


Advent is the period leading up to Christmas. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas (Advent Sunday) and continues through to December 24th (Christmas Eve). In Western churches, Advent Sunday marks the beginning of Christian liturgical year.


Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who is considered by Christians to be the Son of God, and the savior of all people. [Celebrated on January 7th 2023 by some Orthodox Churches].

Catholic Connect – Risk and Governance in a changing environment

Uniting mission, service and the community Designed to harness collaboration between organisations, CDF hosts a series of events aimed to connect Catholic agencies situated in Melbourne and regional Victoria. Together we enable networks, drive conversations and create impact while putting our faith into action. We invite all organisations in the


Mission Inspired Leadership #2

Session 2: KEEP TO PRINCIPLE – how to apply purposeful Catholic social principles to social services at the coalface  Facilitators: Bruce Duncan C.Ss.R. and Pip McIlroy Principles are our values in action – and Catholic social teaching has an inspiring but little-understood canon of social principles to guide our vital social

Mission Inspired Leadership #3

Session 3: TRUE TO PURPOSE – how to keep Catholic social services on mission Facilitator: Belinda Clarke How can we stay true to purpose and the best of the dynamic Catholic tradition our organisations have developed within? How might mission and purpose be held as central in all organisational practises in

Mission Inspired Leadership #4

Session 4: DELIVER SOCIAL IMPACT SUSTAINABLY – how to thrive together for the common good  Facilitator: Robyn Miller This final session brings the first three together and focusses on practical action. How can core purpose and associated principles be best applied within the Catholic social services sector and in our broader community?

Formation for Mission Catholic Educators

Mary MacKillop Place 11 Mount Street,, North Sydney, NSW, Australia

Date claimer The gathering is an opportunity for Diocesan Directors/RI AMJP Education CEOs and leaders of formation, mission and religious education across Catholic education (both in Diocesan and RI & MPJP school authorities) to come together to share practice in a range of areas related to formation for mission. It

Dr Myriam Wijlens on: “The Prophetic Voice of the Laity in the Renewal of the Church”.

Newman College, Melbourne 887 Swanston St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

We are delighted to invite you to our next exciting guest speaker as part of the Bishop Vincent Presents series: Dr Myriam Wijlens on: “The Prophetic Voice of the Laity in the Renewal of the Church”.   Internationally recognised Dutch theologian, ecumenist and consultor to several Vatican bodies, Dr Myriam Wijlens will


Towards Synod 2024 Opening: October and beyond!


The Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document) for the second Assembly of the Synod, October 2024, published on 9 July, sets the tone and expectations for the Assembly. A key question for Catholics is: Will it be enough to restore credibility and confidence in an ailing church and reverse the rapidly declining


Spirituality and Staff Formation: Deepening Alignment and Mission 

ACU Greg Craven Centre Level 7, St Teresa of Kolkata Building 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia

Catholic Connect Uniting mission, service and the community Designed to harness collaboration between organisations, CDF hosts a series of events aimed to connect Catholic agencies situated in Melbourne and regional Victoria. Spirituality and Staff Formation: Deepening Alignment and Mission The workshop will investigate various aspects of spirituality and staff formation,


Called & Gifted Discernment Process 2024

St Martha's Leichardt 38 Renwick St, Leichardt, NSW

The process is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. EACH PARTICIPANT WILL RECEIVE Five


Synodality in Oceania


What does ‘becoming a synodal church’ mean in our region of Oceania?  Speakers: Manuel Beazley, Vicar for Māori, Diocese of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand Kelly Paget, Chancellor and Head of Mission, Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia Susan Sela, Director, Pacific Technical and Further Education, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
