Australian Catholics Education Hub – Catholicism and world religions


Our Q&A sessions provide professional learning opportunities for teachers in subscribing schools. Join us for a session via Zoom to explore ways to bring religious education and faith formation to life in your school. Australian Catholics Professional Learning Sessions are for religious education practitioners to deepen their knowledge about key topics

Safeguarding Adults at Risk


This two-hour interactive workshop allows learners to explore the term 'adult at risk' and identify the essential safeguarding principles related to individuals within this category. The workshop will cover defining the term 'adult at risk', identifying risk factors, describing the issue of transient risk and exploring safeguarding considerations for adults

$112.50 – $150.00

Safeguarding Adults at Risk – ACSL Workshop


This interactive workshop allows learners to explore the term "adult at risk" and identify the essential safeguarding principles related to individuals within this category. Learning Outcomes By completing this workshop participants will be able to: Define the term "adult at risk". Identify risk factors for adults at risk. Describe the


Pilgrims of Hope: Parish Planning Workshop: 2025 Jubilee


Strengthening our Parishes in Hope in the 2025 Jubilee and beyond. Our Holy Father has proclaimed the 2025 Jubilee as ‘a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the “door” of our salvation and ‘our hope’ ‘. Join us online for an evening workshop in which we will consider practical

Mission is Messy


February 21, 2025 7 AM AEDST  | 9 AM NZ   Evangelization can feel daunting, especially when you're navigating the challenges of parish life without clear roadmaps or a perfect example to follow. But what if that’s exactly where the growth is? What if, despite the mess, you can lead your

ACU – Ministers of the Word – online training program


The Word of God, effectively proclaimed, transforms believers. Well-formed ministers are essential for the proclamation of the Word of God. Ministers of the Word become vessels of the Holy Spirit as they place their gifts at the service of the local community. acuThis four-week training program for Ministers of the


Theology & Integral Ecology Conference 2025

University of Oxford , United Kingdom

We are delighted to announce a major international conference to take place on 24-25 April 2025 at the University of Oxford: Theology and Integral Ecology: New Approaches to our Planetary Crisis. The conference will address questions at the intersection of theology and integral ecology, exploring the interconnectedness of the social, cultural,


ACU – Become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion – online training program


Effective liturgical celebrations require well-formed liturgical ministers to serve the needs of the assembly. Our comprehensive online training program will prepare you to offer your gifts for the glory of God and the benefit of your local community. Created by leading Australian liturgy specialists, this five-week program fosters and develops


Requests for flexible work & extended parental leave


About this event Event lasts 1 hour This event is available free to CER subscribers only. If you'd like to participate but aren't a CER subscriber, there is a fee of $120. Please register your attendance, and we'll follow up with an invoice. For more information, please get in touch with us. Join us


New Norcia Retreats and Study Courses 2025

Benedictine Abbey New Norcia New Norcia Rd, New Norcia, WA, Australia

The retreats are held in Australia's only monastic town, which is wonderful to visit in its own right. Weekend and Single Day Retreats The New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies seeks to broaden and deepen awareness of the monastic tradition within Christianity. It offers an environment conducive to prayer, study


Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre Retreats

Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre 267 Wellington St, Ormisiton, QLD, Australia

Santa Teresa is a place of: Encounter with God: as guests take time out of their lives, for some, a once in a lifetime experience, while for others an annual spiritual health check, to reconnect with God and to grow deeper in this relationship. Quiet Prayer and Reflection: for some, silence is

Didaskō Faith Formation – Ecclesiology

The Church as the Mystical Body of Christ Presented by Dr Mario Baghos This course will explore the relationship between Jesus Christ as head of the Church and the faithful as his mystical or spiritual body. Focusing on the Scriptures and Tradition, it will show that God was preparing the


Safeguarding for Leaders and Leadership Teams


This session has been designed for those with leadership responsibilities in Catholic organisations including bishops and congregational leaders of religious institutes. This training has been written to meet the requirements of NCSS Standard 5.3.2 it is held in two sessions around six weeks apart  

$296.25 – $395.00

Navigating Australia’s Child Safe Legislation


We are excited to announce we are partnering with knowmore Legal Service to offer this upcoming learning opportunity. Equip yourself with the critical knowledge needed to navigate the legal and legislative requirements and environment when working with and supporting victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. This essential training session

Faith, Hope and Love – Short Course

ACU Melbourne 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia

This short course explores the theological virtues that lie at the heart of Christian faith and theology. Faith, Hope and Love will explore what the 'theological virtues' are and how they serve as the means through which Christ transforms our lives, relationships and actions. Delivered across four face-to-face sessions, the


Embedding a Culture of Safety into Parish Pastoral Councils


A panel presentation and discussion with Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Very Rev Fr Chris De Souza, Fr Brian Lucas Archbishop Mark Coleridge BA DSS leads the Archdiocese of Brisbane, offering spiritual guidance with wisdom, dedication, and faith. Very Rev Chris de Souza, General Secretary, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.  In addition to many

THE WAY TO THE CROSS CAMINO: Heathcote to Bendigo

Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church 61 Ebden Street, Heathcote, VIC, Australia

A camino spirit, a two-day pilgrimage walk during the first weekend of Lent 2025 from Heathcote to Bendigo via the historic O’Keefe Rail Trail. Be a pilgrim and walk in peace meditating the steps of Jesus to the cross. Inspired by the notable El Camino de Santiago.
