Looking forward this year, each area of the work of AMPJP is developing strongly…
On the formation front, Dr Chris Jacobs-Vandegeer is leading a Wisdom Circle for Canonical Stewards of MPJPs on Bonhoeffer and how we truly see someone as part of a focus on our understanding of the human person.
For more information click here
Chris and Associate Professor Jamie Calder sj are also working on a paper on the theology and ecclesiology of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons, an area where Australia is leading the way. Look out for more on this topic later in the year.
In education, one of the key issues issues are the fees paid by schools to the central offices of a school authority or community of schools. So AMPJP’s CORMSAA team is providing a webinar for all principals, MPJP canonical stewards and CEOs and teams of MPJPs. School Service Fees – getting it right will help you to find best practice in this area. For more information click here.
At the leadership level the AMPJP Council and other canonical stewards are coming together in March to review and renew the strategic directions for AMPJP going forward. AMPJP exists to bring together MPJPs for conversation and sharing of knowledge and experience. In addition, as a main lay leadership group in the Church, there are ongoing discussions about AMPJP’s role in the wider Church, working in collaboration with Catholic Religious Australia and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. It will be interesting to see where our leadership takes AMPJP into the future.
The trial of collating as many Catholic formation and leadership events as we can find onto the AMPJP website continues. Thousands of Catholic leaders have learnt more about AMPJP as a result through various social media sites. In February the concentration was on retreats, something that is expected of, and offered to all clergy and religious, but not always lay leaders. To see the events for 2024 click here.
I hope you all have a blessed and fruitful year, as we get into business. And perhaps think about a retreat to re-energise your soul a little too!