Evolving Catholicism and the Synod


Webinar   Speakers:  Francis Sullivan and Kevin Liston Francis Sullivan, Chair of Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn, was previously CEO of the Truth Justice and Healing Council He is currently Chair of the Mater Group of hospitals, Catholic Social Services Australia and a Director of Mercy Health. Kevin Liston is Co-chair


The Critical Role of Catholic Educators in Our Changing World


Our Q&A sessions provide professional learning opportunities for teachers in subscribing schools. Join us for a session via Zoom to explore ways to bring religious education and faith formation to life in your school. Guests: Anne Rennie and Bernadette Mercieca The Critical Role of Catholic Educators in Our Changing World,

Webinar: Bishop Eugene Hurley on the vocation and mission of lay people


This year is the 40th anniversary of the Vatican II document, Lumen Gentium, which presented the Church as the “People of God” and includes the pathbreaking Chapter 4 on The Laity. For our first ACI webinar of 2024 on Wednesday 7 February, ACI has invited Bishop Eugene Hurley, emeritus bishop


Reportable Conduct


What constitutes reportable conduct in NSW, ACT, and VIC? We will provide a brief overview of the reportable conduct framework, the thresholds and guiding principles for investigating reportable conduct matters. We will also provide a practical approach to the steps involved in conducting an investigation including witness interviews and making a

Getting started on the NCSS Self-Reporting Register


This session will focus on: Understanding the purpose of the NCSS Self-Assessment Portal Providing an overview of the portal's functionality Practical instruction on how to start your self-assessment Hosted by ACSL and portal development team Breaking New Ground (BNG), there will also be an opportunity for Q & A. Church


Student Spiritual Life Survey information session


Attend a 30 min information session to: understand how the survey can help uncover insights to inform faith education initiatives explore the key themes addressed in the survey review a sample Student Spiritual Life Profile report Student Spiritual Life Survey: Understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of students and


Student Spiritual Life Survey online information session


Student Spiritual Life Survey: Understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of students and the impact of school activities on their faith. The Student Spiritual Life Survey will be available to all schools starting in February 2024 and we are inviting schools to sign up to run the survey next


Palliative Care from a Specialist’s Perspective


Prof Phillip Good is a specialist in palliative medicine. He’s passionate about seeing that his patients have the highest quality of life possible for as long as possible. He has a particular interest in research involving palliative care patients, patient and carer experience, and palliative care for people from culturally


Modern Slavery for Suppliers – General Webinar


This webinar is for suppliers to Catholic entities. Enhance the profile of your business with Catholic organisations across Australia. Current and prospective suppliers are invited to attend a 40 minute ACAN modern slavery webinar outlining: mission and values of Catholic organisations modern slavery context in Australia and overseas risks of worker abuse impact


Engaging Your Faith – Levinas, Ethics, and Our Responsibility for the Other: Some Implications for Education


Levinas, Ethics, and Our Responsibility for the Other: Some Implications for Education This lecture discusses Levinas’s view that ethics is first philosophy because of our fundamental responsibility for the Other, and it considers some implications for education. Against the prevailing zeitgeist which valorises individual autonomy, I argue that it is not

$25 – $40

BBI Australian Institute of Company Directors Course


NOW BEING DELIVERED ONLINE(via ZOOM)  The world around us is changing, and organisations are looking to their leaders to confidently and capably navigate their business through today’s volatile environment. BBI-TAITE and AICD are now announcing that a Company Directors Course will be delivered online on via ZOOM 1,8,15,22 & 29 November

Engaging Your Faith – Sisters and Brothers All


Sisters and Brothers All Drawing on our Christian understanding of the human person and the central principles of Catholic social teaching, this session will provide a basis for consideration of issues highlighted in contemporary discussions including the Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2023–2024, climate change and Pacific Islander living, and Pope

$25 – $40

Engaging Your Faith – An Introduction to AI and Transhumanism … for Christians


An Introduction to AI and Transhumanism … for Christians “Young people today can expect to live forever, but AI will run the world.” At least that is the view of some techno-optimists. This session is a brief introduction to artificial intelligence, including ChatGPT, and transhumanism, in which we will reflect

$25 – $40

Engaging Your Faith – Scripture Meditation (lectio divina) in the Classroom


Scripture Meditation (lectio divina) in the Classroom This session will explore a background, a spirituality, and practical strategies for leading scriptural meditation (lectio divina) in the classroom. Resources will be supplied. School staff groups are encouraged to participate. Presented by Dr Christopher Morris Bookings close: Friday 27 October at 5pm.

$25 – $40

Engaging Your Faith – The Cry for a New Spirituality 


The Cry for a New Spirituality  Today’s thirst for spiritual experience is immense. What is the Spirit saying? Let us explore these remarkable new directions together. Presented by Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche Bookings close: Tuesday 24 October at 5pm.

$25 – $40

Engaging Your Faith – Religious Education for Today: Why and How?


Religious Education for Today: Why and How? This session explores different ways religious education may respond to the current Australian social context and why it remains an important offering for students in their identity formation. Presented by Dr Rina Madden Bookings close: Monday 23 October at 5pm.

Australian Catholic Education Symposium


Are we listening? How can Catholic schools respond to student views for wellbeing, faith formation and learning Join us in the lead up to World Teachers Day for our symposium with special guest speaker Prof Anne Graham followed by a panel discussion. What is the enduring legacy we want for
