Executive Officer’s Report: May 2020

29 May 2020 by

The past month was one of change for Ministerial PJPs.

The COVID-19 situation continues to impact on our means and methods of working.

The recent death of Canadian Canonist, Rev Frank Morrisey OMI, marks the end of his very significant contribution  to Ministerial PJPs. I have added a post to the AMPJP website to honour his life and ministry.

I have also created a new page on the AMPJP website with information about Ministerial PJPs. This page contains references to some papers that describe Ministerial PJPs. Not surprisingly, there some papers on that page written by Rev Frank Morrisey. I am most grateful to Australasian Catholic Record for allowing me to add a link to Gabrielle McMullen and Martin Laverty’s recent paper on Australian Ministerial PJPs. My hope is that that page will provide most of the basic information about Ministerial PJPs that people seek.

The 12 May 2020 AMPJP Council meeting accomplished its very full agenda. One of the most significant decisions was to adopt a new strategic direction 2020-2023. This document is the result of discernment and discussion over the past six months by AMPJP members. They reflected on the AMPJP’s identity, voice and role. I can see that this document will guide the AMPJP to be an even more effective support to its members and to others in the Church.



You may choose to pray with this Meditation on Creation that was originally developed for Laudato si’ week.

It concludes with this prayer:


God of all creation, your goodness and glory shine forth through everything you have made.

Through the light of faith, help us to see this world, our common home,

not as a resource to dominate and exploit,

but as a gift to be cherished by all generations.

Prompted by your Spirit, we ask this in the name of Jesus,

through whom all creation was made. Amen. 

Image courtesy of Catholic Climate Covenant

New events listed on the website:


New website content:

  • About us (page edited on 28 May 2020)
  • About MPJPs (a new page added on 28 May 2020)
  • Links (page deleted as most information was elsewhere on the website)
  • Member Area login page (moved to the header menu to the footer menu on 28 May 2020)


The public news section of the AMPJP website now has the following posts: