AMPJP AGM and canonical stewards forum

6 September 2018 by

The Association’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday 26th August 2018 and canonical stewards forum, on the following day, were attended by thirty six representatives from all our ten members organisations, as well as Sophia Education Ministries and The Marist Association.

Our time together was marked by three prayer periods that focused on our baptism as the basis for our call to ministry and to holiness (as expressed in Pope Francis’ recent letter).

The canonical stewards forum was facilitated by Kerry Brettell and started with an address and questions from Sr Berneice Loch RSM.

Over the forum we explored three themes:

  • Reflection on our role as leaders and influencers in the Church in Australia and beyond in the 21st century
  • Collegial engagement and the AMPJP’s role in supporting and resourcing canonical stewards.
  • Review AMPJP Strategic priorities including being a point of liaison with Catholic groups.


Below are some of the documents and presentations from the AGM and Forum:

AMPJP Annual Report 2017-18 (The full annual report with audited financial report is available to AMPJP members on the Corporate Documents page)

EO AGM address 2018

Prayers AGM and Forum 2018

Berneice Loch PowerPoint slides

Berneice Loch address to PJP forum

Kerry Brettell PowerPoint slides

AMPJP AGM-Forum evaluation survey results 2018