
5 March 2020 by

There is a part of the Catholic Church where women consistently have a place as equals in Church governance.   This is stark contrast to the impression of some Catholics whose submissions to the Plenary Council 2020 gave the impression that women are always and everywhere excluded from Church governance.
28 February 2020 by

Most of my February has involved following up issues raised, and directions given, by the AMPJP Council meeting on 11 Feb 2020. This agenda includes: developing the Australian Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities; organising an additional face-to-face meeting of AMPJP Member Representative in May 2020; refocusing
27 February 2020 by

Eureka Street Article: Embracing First Nations Voices in the Church
27 February 2020 by

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We must continually return to this mystery in mind
5 February 2020 by

Decoding the Code is an online learning program to introduce staff in Catholic health and aged care services to the Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care. The very successful program has been running since 2015. The course is jointly operated by Catholic Health Australia and BBI-The
30 January 2020 by

Preparing for the 11 Feb 2020 AMPJP Council meeting has occupied most of my time since I returned to work on 06 January. The AMPJP Council meeting has a full agenda with some complex items and lengthy papers to discuss. Thankfully they are all skilled in the etiquette of teleconferences and even complex issues are methodically worked through.
28 January 2020 by

If you read this newsletter and have an interest in MPJPs then you probably should own a copy of the Church Administration Handbook. The Church Administration Handbook (2018) was written by Fr Brian Lucas, Fr Peter Slack and Mr Bill d’Apice. The authors have extensive theoretical and practical knowledge from
28 January 2020 by

“The People We Are” says it all. The workers and patients/residents/students of MPJP ministries become a cohesive family because it is core to their identity and purpose in life. Mercy Partners have produced a 2020 calendar where every month we get to meet one of these people and we hear
28 January 2020 by

A new whole-of-Church initiative to help people and communities recover from the current bushfire crisis will set the blueprint for how the Catholic Church responds to domestic natural disasters in the future. Earlier this month, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and a number of other national organisations encouraged Catholics to
26 January 2020 by

The Members of St John of God Australia Limited have announced the appointment of the Hon Neville Owen as a Trustee of St John of God Health Care. His appointment started on 1 January 2020. Mr Owen was a judge of the WA Supreme Court for almost 20 years and
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