
28 June 2019 by

On 1st July 2019, the AMPJP welcomes its newest member Sophia Education Ministries. Sophia Education Ministries was established to steward the schools previously under the care of the Sisters of The Society of the Sacred Heart Australia New Zealand: Kincoppal-Rose Bay, Sydney Sacre Coeur, Melbourne Stuartholme School, Brisbane The six
28 June 2019 by

NAIDOC Week begins with the Church celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday (07 July 2019). The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has produced an excellent resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday message
17 June 2019 by

Article by Lydia O’Kane. Vatican News Pope Francis on Friday meets with participants attending a summit entitled, “The Vatican Dialogues: The Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home”. In comments to the group, he warns that today’s ecological crisis, especially climate change, “threatens the very future of the
14 June 2019 by

A $160,000 scholarship fund, designed to support Aboriginal students at the University of Notre Dame Australia’s School of Medicine, will make an important contribution of improving healthcare in the country’s Aboriginal communities.                           From left: Associate Professor Clive
14 June 2019 by

ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) has launched its national fund-raising appeal today in a bid to raise $400,000 to continue its work fighting human trafficking and modern slavery. ACRATH now relies entirely on donations after last year losing its $125,000 a year grant from the Federal Government. ACRATH’s Executive Officer
9 June 2019 by

The Plenary Council 2020 moves into its next phase of preparation today with the announcement of the National Themes for Discernment that emerged from a historic process of listening to the voices of more than 222,000 people. Between May 2018 and March 2019, almost 17,500 submissions, from individuals and groups
4 June 2019 by

A delegation of bishops has toured a Sydney Catholic hospital that is improving the health of Indigenous people via a range of innovative reconciliation and Closing the Gap programs. Members of the Bishops Commission for Relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait
30 May 2019 by

May was a month of activity with both an internal and an external focus. On 03 May 2019, the AMPJP Council held a teleconference meeting. These meetings take place four times a year and enable the Council to deal with matters relevant to the AMPJP. I joined Council members Paul
30 May 2019 by

Traveller, there is no path. The path is made by walking. Traveller, the path is your tracks And nothing more. Traveller, there is no path The path is made by walking. By walking you make a path And turning, you look back At a way you will never tread again…
30 May 2019 by

I joined about 500 other at the “Mission: one heart many voices 2019” (MOHMV) in mid May 2019. MOHMV is a biennial conference organised by Catholic Religious Australia and Catholic Mission. Below is a great summary of some of the three days of insights.   From an AMPJP perspective there
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