
22 December 2018 by

On 17 December 2018, I was in Perth and met with the staff who support the Trustees of MercyCare and St John of God Australia Ltd.   This was a good opportunity for me to thank them for their cooperation with information and action over the past year. We were
21 December 2018 by

In mid-December, I met with my counterparts at Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) and Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC).   CRA It is nearly a year since I last met Anne Walker, National Executive Director of CRA. At that time their office was in Annandale. When I met with Anne on
21 December 2018 by

Jesus born once, long ago in Bethlehem We pray that we be open to you today: be born in our hearts – make your home in us so that we may bring you to all those we meet; be born in our families – so that our relationships with each
21 December 2018 by

Over 12-13 December 2018, I was in Canberra and met with some key national Catholic agencies. This was a good opportunity for us to update each other on our immediate past work and our current priorities. In all meetings, I explored the further possibilities of us working more closely and
19 December 2018 by

Post courtesy of Cathnews The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Catholic Religious Australia have submitted a joint report to the National Office for Child Safety on the Church’s implementation of the child abuse royal commission’s recommendations. The report was posted on the ACBC and CRA websites last Friday to coincide with
19 December 2018 by

Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) has a new website:   Please note that this is a different domain from the previous domain.   Supporting the ministry of leadership is at the heart of everything we do at CRA and so this website contains news, events, general safeguarding information, justice templates
30 November 2018 by

The first of November was my one year anniversary at AMPJP – it certainly feels like it was a very quick year. At the beginning of November, we had a teleconference meeting of the AMPJP Council which generated some work for me. I am also working my way through a
25 November 2018 by

On Friday 09th November 2018, I joined Plenary Council 2020 Diocesan Coordinators from across the country. They were meeting to update each other on their progress in explaining the Council and in encouraging people to contribute their views. There was enormous variation in how much had been done and the
23 November 2018 by

Mercy Partners marked its tenth anniversary with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Mark Coleridge at The Cathedral of St Stephen in Brisbane on Monday 19 November.   Gathered together were representatives from all of its ministries and the many people who have been part of the unfolding story of this
11 November 2018 by

Australian Catholic Bishops Statement: Respond_to_the_cry_of_the_poor Pope Francis World Day of the Poor message for 2018  Apostolic See: World Day of the Poor website