
27 March 2020 by

At the beginning of March 2020, I welcomed a visit to the AMPJP’s Newcastle office from Eva Skira AM, Chair of AMPJP Council and Michael Lee, Chair of Calvary Ministries. The visit was primarily for Eva’s WHS site inspection but we concluded with a lunch and extended discussion about all
19 March 2020 by

On 17 March 2020, the AMPJP held a consultation regarding the committee it will establish for Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities. Participants in this consultation were: Moira Najdecki (AMPJP and GSE); Lawrie Hallinan (AMPJP); Sr Catherine Slattery sgs (RI and MPJP nominee on the NCEC and GSE); Anne
10 March 2020 by

EREA Councillor, Dr John Honner’s recent book has applicability to MPJP Trustees and others passionate about speaking the good news in ways that are intelligible to the average Australian. Tricky Questions about God is a response to many requests made by Catholic teachers, catechists, and parents for help in answering
6 March 2020 by

What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up? This year is the fifth anniversary of the publication of Laudato si’, an encyclical on caring for our common home. For the occasion, Pope Francis released a message
6 March 2020 by

Mercy Partners are publicly sharing their three booklets on board and leadership within a Ministerial PJP context. Digital editions are available for download from the Mercy Partners website and printed copies are available upon request. Below is information on the content of these excellent resources: Partners in Mission: A Handbook
5 March 2020 by

There is a part of the Catholic Church where women consistently have a place as equals in Church governance.   This is stark contrast to the impression of some Catholics whose submissions to the Plenary Council 2020 gave the impression that women are always and everywhere excluded from Church governance.
28 February 2020 by

Most of my February has involved following up issues raised, and directions given, by the AMPJP Council meeting on 11 Feb 2020. This agenda includes: developing the Australian Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities; organising an additional face-to-face meeting of AMPJP Member Representative in May 2020; refocusing
27 February 2020 by

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We must continually return to this mystery in mind
5 February 2020 by

Decoding the Code is an online learning program to introduce staff in Catholic health and aged care services to the Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care. The very successful program has been running since 2015. The course is jointly operated by Catholic Health Australia and BBI-The
30 January 2020 by

Preparing for the 11 Feb 2020 AMPJP Council meeting has occupied most of my time since I returned to work on 06 January. The AMPJP Council meeting has a full agenda with some complex items and lengthy papers to discuss. Thankfully they are all skilled in the etiquette of teleconferences and even complex issues are methodically worked through.
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