Ministerial PJP video conference on Catholic Professional Standards Ltd

A GoTo meeting for Ministerial PJP canonical stewards: explain the auditing of compliance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards including how it builds on existing accreditation and regulation; and provide a detailed update on the development of Catholic Professional Standards Ltd , including potential fees and charges.   The National

Safeguarding in International Context webinar

This Safeguarding in International Contexts webinar is designed to help Catholic entities understand the 10 National Catholic Safeguarding Standards and consider how you can apply these Standards to your missions overseas. Who should join this webinar? Anyone with leadership and safeguarding responsibilities for Catholic entities with governance of overseas ministries.


NCSS Introductory Session for Leaders

The NCSS Introductory Session for Leaders is specifically designed for Church Authorities and relevant senior leaders to develop a clear understanding of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding generally, their responsibilities under the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards specifically and the detail and processes of the CPSL audit and reporting framework.