MPJP Stewards (Trustees) met online to discuss the Framework for Motions document that will be considered at the second assembly of Plenary Council of Australia on 04-10 July 2022.
The Framework of Motions contains the 30 motions across eight mission areas. The version that MPJP Stewards discussed was the consultation draft published in early June 2022. A final version with amendments suggested by some of the Plenary Council Members will be made available in early July 2022. The 277 Plenary Council Members – clergy, religious and laity – will vote on each of the motions when they meet in Sydney on 04-10 July 2022.
Eva Skira AM, AMPJP Council Chair and a Member of the Plenary Council invited MPJP Stewards to meet with her on 20 and 29 June 2022 to discuss the Framework of Motions.
All Members of the Plenary
Thirteen gathered for the first conversation. That session discussed 12 motions in the first four parts of the Framework. Of particular interest was motion #39 which contained the following description of Ministerial PJPs:
… The unique role of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons demonstrates how both ecclesial governance and service to Australian society may operate in a mature, innovative and effective way. Catholic ministries often already embody synodal elements that form and support missionary disciples. These include commitment to hospitality, encounter and dialogue; strong practices of discernment; Christian service and compassion; and the provision of a variety of opportunities for Catholics to deepen their baptismal calling.
Fourteen gathered for the second conversation. That session discussed 18 motions in the final four parts of the Framework and the Implementation Phase. Motion #93 calls for action the Association of Ministerial PJPs:
That representatives from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Religious Australia and the Association of Ministerial PJPs form a working group to develop and establish a roundtable structure, with the proposed name of the National Catholic Synodal Life Roundtable, to foster and assess the development of synodal leadership across the Church in Australia. The roundtable will bring together representative members of those groups with Diocesan Pastoral Councils and other key national bodies of the Church.
There was also considerable discussion of motion#104.b which would also see AMPJP working with ACBC and CRA in reviewing the implementation of the Plenary Council’s resolutions.
That the Plenary Council adopt the following steps for ensuring the effectiveness and accountability of the Implementation phase, to take place after a period of five years:
a). the Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council will be responsible for establishing terms of review for the Plenary Council’s implementation;
b). roundtable body such as that proposed in the motion at paragraph 93 will be responsible for co-ordinating the review;
c). interim reports will be published in 2023 and 2025; and
d). the final
Both conversations heard of the hope and possibilities for Ministerial PJPs and for the wider Church both through the Plenary Council and through the implementation phase.