Over the past month, a couple of exciting new projects began. You can read about the first MPJP Steward Wisdom Circle gathering which took place in Perth on 13 June 2022. I was pleased to be present to hear the rich discussion. There was much for the AMPJP Formation Committee to consider and to incorporate into the three remaining gatherings. The other new project was the finalisation of the script of two short animations explaining MPJPs and the AMPJP. These are now with the animator and the final version should be approved by the AMPJP in July 2022.
The AMPJP Council meeting held an online meeting on 14 June 2022. One of the topics was further work to prepare for the AMPJP AGM-Forum 21-22 August 2022 in Brisbane. There are currently 45 people registered for the AGM-Forum and more are expected as some Ministerial PJPs are still finalising their lists.
Lord God, our Maker,
The work of your hands displays your goodness and glory;
It is marvelous to behold.
From the most intricate snowflake to the grandest of mountain peaks,
With each inbreaking of the sun’s rays that paint the sky until day’s end,
Your limitless love creates it all.
As we gaze, then, upon your children,
The special co-creators you have made
To experience you and your beauty,
May we always appreciate the dignity of each person:
Straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender.
May we witness your extravagant artistry of each beloved,
Celebrate your Divine imprint upon each heart,
And recognize how You fashion each human being with purpose and wonder.
Your limitless love creates us all.
Forgive us, Lord,
For the constraint of our eyes that fails to take in another’s beauty,
For choosing the comfort of our own apathy instead of bearing one another’s burdens,
For not remaining silent to listen and silent when we should have cried out,
Your limitless love forgives us all.
We pray, O God,
For the wounds the world inflicts,
In thought, word, and deed,
Against what your hands have made and ultimately, against you.
Soothe and comfort, renew and redeem.
Your limitless love restores us all.
We pray for unity,
For tenderness,
For belonging and justice and freedom,
For solidarity and bountiful compassion
That the world may know who you are
By the way we love one another
And how willing we are to enter the splendor of co-creating
With one another
And with you.
Your limitless love heals us all.
From Catholic Health Association – USA. Prayer: Limitless love
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