Executive Officer’s Report: October 2020

30 October 2020 by

A highlight in October was the webinar on the Role of Trustees/Canonical Stewards in the MPJP. This was the fourth in a series of AMPJP webinars where the MPJP Trustees/Canonical Stewards  shared information about their structure and functioning. These webinars were well attended with high levels of satisfaction for both the format and content of the webinars. The most recent webinar included breakout rooms which we will use in future webinars given the positive response. Unfortunately, I am not as quick at writing up the webinars as I would like to be. They will remain on my “to do list”.

It is a relief to all that the end of October also sees an easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria. All Australians are aware of the precariousness of the safety of our community and resulting freedoms at the time of a highly contagious virus for which there is no vaccine and only limited treatments. Over the past month we have empathised with our Melbourne colleagues as they have endured a prolonged lockdown that has eventually reduced the community spread of COVID-19. I thought the emotional rollercoaster experience of Melbournians was captured well in a Melbourne clinic’s – the 12 Stages of Melbourne’s COVID experience.

On a personal level, I was honoured that my fellow Directors elected me as Chair of the Board of  Southern Cross Care (NSW-ACT) at our AGM on 27 Oct 2020. I commenced as a Director in 2017 and it has been a privilege to work with others who are equally passionate about supporting older people live life to the full. My role as Chair will require a greater time commitment but I believe I can work this around my 24 hours a week with AMPJP and my other commitments. While Southern Cross Care is not a MPJP I see my role there as helping me  gain a greater understanding of the issues confronting MPJP ministries.



O God, Trinity of love,
from the profound communion of your divine life,
pour out upon us a torrent of fraternal love.
Grant us the love reflected in the actions of Jesus,
in his family of Nazareth,
and in the early Christian community.

Grant that we Christians may live the Gospel,
discovering Christ in each human being,
recognizing him crucified
in the sufferings of the abandoned
and forgotten of our world,
and risen in each brother or sister
who makes a new start.

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,
reflected in all the peoples of the earth,
so that we may discover anew
that all are important and all are necessary,
different faces of the one humanity
that God so loves. Amen.

From: Pope Francis (2020) Fratelli Tutti 

New events listed on the website:

New website content:

The public news section of the AMPJP website now has the following posts:

Feature photo by Mark Toohey