June 2018 Executive Officer’s report

30 June 2018 by


Winter arrived during June with a run of wet, windy and cold days. This was great weather for working in the office.

With an AMPJP Council meeting on 21 June 2018 there were a number of documents to prepare. Being the last Council meeting for the financial year also meant a number of annual report/reviews needed to be tabled on different aspects of our operations.

I felt a great sense of satisfaction that we were able to finalise the AMPJP Strategic Plan 2018-2021. You can read about this in a separate post on our website.

Another major document, AMPJP Governance Principles, Foundations and Applications, was discussed by a working group and at the AMPJP Council meeting. I am grateful to the staff, Boards and Trustees of AMPJP member organisations who have engaged with this document. We also benefited from the input of two canonists (of course they did agree with each other on every point). This document will be circulated for more consultation.

Over the coming month I will be working with a working group of the AMPJP Council on preparation for our AGM and annual Canonical Stewards forum to be held on 26-27 August 2018.  I am looking forward to the AGM and Forum as an opportunity to meet canonical stewards from our member organisations and to better get to know their issues.


New website content:

The public news section of the AMPJP website now has the following posts:


Members of AMPJP can access the following news items that I have posted in the Member area of our website:


Councillors of AMPJP can access the following news items that I have posted in the Council area of our website:


Looking forward to significant dates in July 2018:

UN dates[1] Australian Dates[2] Catholic Church Dates[3] Other Spiritual Dates [4]
01-July-2018 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Coming of the Light Festival
03-July-2018 St Thomas, Apostle
04-July-2018 St Elizabeth of Portugal
05-July-2018 National EOS Awareness Week (5-11 July) St Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Priest
06-July-2018 St Maria Goretti, Virgin, Martyr
07-July-2018 International Day of Cooperatives National Diabetes Week (7-14 July) Blessed Peter To Rot
08-July-2018 National NAIDOC Week (to 15 July) Apostleship of the Sea
09-July-2018 St Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions, Martyrs
10-July-2018 Martyrdom of the Báb (Baha’i) – begins at sunset on 9 July
11-July-2018 World Population Day St Benedict, Abbot
12-July-2018 Proclaim Conference (day 1)
13-July-2018 St Henry

Proclaim Conference (day 2)

14-July-2018 St Camillus of Lellis, Priest

Proclaim Conference (day 3)

15-July-2018 World Youth Skills Day Wounds Awareness Week (15-21 July)
16-July-2018 Our Lady of Mt Carmel
18-July-2018 Nelson Mandela International Day
20-July-2018 St Apolinaris, Bishop, Martyr
21-July-2018 St Laurence of Brindisi, Priest, Doctor
22-July-2018 Bible Sunday
23-July-2018 St Bridget of Sweden, Religious
24-July-2018 St Charbel Makhlouf, Priest
25-July-2018 St James, Apostle
26-July-2018 St Joachim and St Anne, parents of Blessed Virgin Mary
27-July-2018 Asalha Puja (Dhamma) Day (Buddhist)
28-July-2018 World Hepatitis Day
30-July-2018 International Day of Friendship and

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Doctor
31-July-2018 St Ignatius Loyola, Priest

[1] http://www.un.org/en/sections/observances/international-days/index.html

[2] http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/special-dates-and-events

[3] https://www.catholic.org.au/calendar#year=2018&month=1&day=1&view=month

[4] https://www.harmony.gov.au/events/calendar/