Author: Lawrie Hallinan

4 August 2020 by

The Catholic bishops of Australia have released the Social Justice Statement 2020-21, on the critical subject of mental health, in the lead-up to Social Justice Sunday on August 30. The, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today, encourages faith communities, governments and individuals to make mental
31 July 2020 by

It is a good time to be inside. Heavy rain, cold temperatures, cloudy skies, strong winds, high surf – all the elements of winter make me glad to be working from home. The real and feared COVID-19 outbreaks are another reason that I avoid unnecessarily going out. Emails, ZOOM and
31 July 2020 by

Text: ACBC. and Photos from The Record (Archdiocese of Perth)   The working document – or instrumentum laboris – for the Plenary Council will provide a constant reminder of the need for deep and ongoing discernment of God’s will for the Church, the Council’s president has said. Work recently began
24 July 2020 by

The 1st July 2020 saw the coming together of the Mater Hospital & Health Services in South Queensland, Central Queensland and North Queensland. This has been an initiative of the combined strategies of Mercy Partners, the Canonical Sponsors and civil owners, of the Mater Hospitals and Health Services together with
29 June 2020 by

Even in the middle of winter there are occasional blue skies and blossoms. There were two major projects that occupied my time in June 2020. As well as keeping me busy they also helped me to see our growth and progress as an Association. Preparing for the 16 June AMPJP
29 June 2020 by

June 2020 saw the announcement of two Ministerial PJPs having significant changes in leadership. From 01 July 2020, Mr Graham Goerke will replace Br Paul Oakley cfc as President of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) and Chair of the EREA Council. Kathy McEvoy will replace Sr Maree Marsh csb as
29 June 2020 by

The most recent CPSL e-newsletter contained the story below of their innovative move to online courses as a way of assisting Catholic Church Authorities meet their obligations to learn and plan their safeguarding responses. Since the arrival of COVID-19, like everyone CPSL has had to adapt to operating in the
29 June 2020 by

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced NATSICC to rethink the ways in how we empower Catholics to celebrate our special day. This year, we have modified our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday resources to work in a digital setting. We are also holding the first-ever live-streamed, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
29 June 2020 by

The Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP) has announced the membership of a new national committee representing Religious Institute and Ministerial Public Juridic Person school authorities. This committee replaces and builds upon the legacy of Catholic Religious Australia’s previous Education Committee.   Members of the Committee of Religious Institute
29 May 2020 by

The past month was one of change for Ministerial PJPs. The COVID-19 situation continues to impact on our means and methods of working. The recent death of Canadian Canonist, Rev Frank Morrisey OMI, marks the end of his very significant contribution  to Ministerial PJPs. I have added a post to
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