
20 November 2020 by

The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (The Sisters) is continuing with its preparation to transfer responsibility for its ministries to a Ministerial PJP. These ministries include: hospitals, health services, aged care, schools/education services and children’s, family and community services.  The Sisters have consulted with
18 November 2020 by

You can promote reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations every time you send or invite mail. In response to a campaign by Gameroi woman, Rachael McPhail, Australia Post has updated its addressing guidelines to encourage the use traditional place names when addressing mail. The text below is taken from the Australia
13 November 2020 by

The article below first appeared in Catholic Health Australia’s weekly e-news on 13 Nov 2020. It speaks of the good work of one of Mary Aikenhead Ministries’ works:  St Vincent’s Health Australia’s   To mark NAIDOC week CHA Health Matters sits down with the head of St Vincent’s Health Australia’s
30 October 2020 by

A highlight in October was the webinar on the Role of Trustees/Canonical Stewards in the MPJP. This was the fourth in a series of AMPJP webinars where the MPJP Trustees/Canonical Stewards  shared information about their structure and functioning. These webinars were well attended with high levels of satisfaction for both
30 October 2020 by

Richard Haddock, Chair of Mary Aikenhead Ministries and member of the AMPJP Council, was recently awarded a Knight Commander of the Order of St Gregory for his continuing contribution to the Church and Australian community since receiving a Knighthood in the same order in 2008. His governance roles in the
30 October 2020 by

Catholic Health Australia pays tribute to the more than 80,000 employees of its hospital and aged care members for their efforts during the past few months with the launch of a series of films thanking them. The films feature eight employees drawn from across two organisations and were filmed at
16 October 2020 by

With the calling of the delegates, we begin to work towards Assembly 1 of the Plenary Council in earnest. While Discernment continues across the country, delegates will undergo formation and be sent documents in advance. These documents will include the THEMATIC PAPERS written by the Writing and Discernment Groups.
14 October 2020 by

Sydney, 12 October 2020: This Saturday 17 October 2020 will mark the 10th anniversary of Saint Mary MacKillop’s canonisation at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, declaring her Australia’s first canonised saint. Pope Benedict XVI addressed tens of thousands gathered in St Peter’s Square. About 9000 Australians travelled to celebrate this
12 October 2020 by

On 10 October 2020 Pope Francis released a video message calling all individuals, families, businesses, organisations and governments to three actions: education on the link between environmental problems and human actions; the right to water and nutrition; and transition to renewable energy. Pope Francis said that the logic of science
29 September 2020 by

I know that we are well into Spring as my sleep is disrupted by the early sunrise and the call of the Eastern Koel. At the other end of the day, I hear the regular croaking of a frog who has recently returned to my backyard pond for tadpole making
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