
28 February 2018 by

On 21 February 2018, the AMPJP Council met in Melbourne. Two member representatives participated in the meeting via a teleconference facility. This was a tremendously productive meeting and the minutes and other material will be circulated soon. (Photo shows  some of the AMPJP member representatives: Sue Fabian (DEA); Kieran McCarthy (Mercy Partners); Moira Najdecki (GSE); Paul Oakley (EREA); Rosemary Copeland (Kildare Ministries) and Eva Skira (St John of God).
26 February 2018 by

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and The Post have something important to say about ‘the what’ and ‘the how’ of the Church’s mission, says Sister Patty Fawkner. BY Patty Fawkner SGS  (source: Two recent award-winning films had something to say to me about the Australian Catholic Church in the wake of the Report of
26 February 2018 by

From 22 February 2018 there are new obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. The new Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme under established requirements for entities in responding to data breaches. Entities have data breach notification obligations when a data breach is likely to result in serious harm to any individuals
25 February 2018 by

On 21 February 2018 Calvary (Little Company of Mary Health Care), which is under the sponsorship of Calvary Ministries, was again awarded an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for the fourth consecutive year. The WGEA EOCGE citation provides valuable public recognition of an organisation’s commitment to gender equality
15 February 2018 by

The AMPJP welcomed the establishment of CPSL by the leadership of the Australian Catholic Church as part of the Church’s response to the Royal Commission’s revelations of institutional failure in the management and response to child sexual abuse claims in Catholic organisations including schools, parishes and homes. The establishment of
5 February 2018 by

If you are like me it takes most of January to get used to writing 2018 instead of 2017. My see the year ahead as being a great one for AMPJP. After having spent the last year or so in our establishment phase we are now ready for action. On 30th January I had a very productive Strategic Plan drafting meeting with AMPJP Council members: Paul Oakley, Eva Skira and Rosemary Copeland. This will be discussed at the AMPJP Council meeting on 21 February and I believe the resulting Strategic Plan will give us all a greater common sense of purpose.
2 February 2018 by

The Australian Bishops have identified the liturgical year of 2018, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent (3rd December 2017), as a national Year of Youth.   The Year of Youth invites the Church, including Ministerial PJPs, into prayerful discernment about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in
2 February 2018 by

Ministerial PJPs will join others within the Church on the journey to Easter through the season of Lent (14 Feb – 29 March 2018).   Pancake Tuesday In Australia, Caritas’ Project Compassion is often a vehicle for the Lenten practices of prayer, penance and almsgiving. A pancake fundraiser for Caritas
22 December 2017 by

Sisters and brothers may we all be mothers to our Lord Jesus Christ by giving birth to him in the actions of our lives. Paraphrased from St Francis of Assisi’s First Letter to the Faithful 1221 AD
20 December 2017 by

The Dominican Education Australia (DEA) office has relocated to 3 Mary Street Hunters Hill. They are occupying the ground floor of the Provincial Office of the Marist Fathers who have been very welcoming. The new DEA postal address for all correspondence is: PO Box 191, Gladesville NSW 1675. General enquiries