
20 November 2017 by

On 1st November 2017, the Association of Ministerial PJPs Ltd was pleased to welcome Lawrie Hallinan as its new Executive Officer. The Association also expresses its appreciation for the excellent contribution of Pat Bugden as interim Executive Officer. Pat capably assisted it through its establishment phase and we wish him
6 September 2017 by

From Left: Sheree Limbrick (Catholic Professional Standards Ltd), Hon Geoffrey Giudice AO (Catholic Professional Standards Ltd), Eva Skira (Deputy Chair), Paul Oakley cfc (Chair), Gabrielle McMullen AO (Deputy Chair) The Association held its second Forum since it was incorporated, at the Holiday Inn, Melbourne Airport, on the 28th August 2017.
2 February 2017 by

The Catholic Church in Australia has taken a large step forward with the move to form an association for lay people in significant Church leadership roles. The establishment of the Association of Ministerial PJPs (the first of its kind in the world) will bring people together who are leading some