
29 August 2022 by

The leaders of three major bodies have met to discuss how dioceses, religious institutes and ministerial public juridic persons can collaborate to advance the mission of the Church in Australia. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Catholic Religious Australia president Br Peter Carroll FMS and Eva Skira,
23 August 2022 by

The Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP) has produced two short animations which explain Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (PJPs) and the AMPJP to the wider Church.   For many Catholics, the first time that they heard about the AMPJP and Ministerial PJPs was during the Plenary Council and in
21 August 2022 by

The AMPJP wishes to announce that Moira Najdecki will succeed Eva Skira AM as the Chair of the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP). Eva Skira AM had advised that she will step down from her role as Chair of AMPJP and as Member Representative of St John of
11 August 2022 by

Summary of AMPJP Council Meeting 09th Aug 2022   AMPJP Audited Financial Reports 2021-2022 and Annual Report 2021-2022 The Council received a presentation on the AMPJP financial reports by the Auditor. The Council also approved the AMPJP Annual Report 2021-2022.   National Response Framework, National Response Protocol and National Catholic
30 July 2022 by

July 2022 was a time of new perspectives. The month started with the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council. I was one of those ‘fanatics’ who watched the broadcasted sessions and liturgies and soaked up the various podcasts, commentaries and panel discussions that described and analysed the process and outcomes
29 July 2022 by

Introduction The Second Assembly of the Plenary Council in Australia was held 3-9 July 2022 in Sydney. There were 270 Members attending, most physically, with a handful online (either due to COVID-19 or an inability to travel). The Members comprised: 44 bishops, and the remainder were people from religious institutes,
27 July 2022 by

Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) and the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP) are pleased to announce that they have signed a Covenant document. The CRA-AMPJP Covenant provides a framework for mutual respect and regular communication, that seeks to further opportunities for collaboration and enable both bodies to respond quickly
11 July 2022 by

The school holidays resulted in a reduced number of MPJP Executive Officers meeting on 06 July 2022. MPJP Executive Officers meet via videoconference about every three months. These meetings began in 2021 and participants have found them to be a valuable opportunity to hear each other’s issues and priorities. The
29 June 2022 by

Over the past month, a couple of exciting new projects began. You can read about the first MPJP Steward Wisdom Circle gathering which took place in Perth on 13 June 2022. I was pleased to be present to hear the rich discussion. There was much for the AMPJP Formation Committee
29 June 2022 by

MPJP Stewards (Trustees) met online to discuss the Framework for Motions document that will be considered at the second assembly of Plenary Council of Australia on 04-10 July 2022. The Framework of Motions contains the 30 motions across eight mission areas. The version that MPJP Stewards discussed was the consultation
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