
30 June 2021 by

The musical Hamilton covers some themes that I see as very relevant to Ministerial PJPs. The musical covers Alexander Hamilton’s role in the foundation of the USA. After the American war of independence, securing long-term peace and prosperity required wide-spread support for a virtually untried form of government called “republic”.
30 June 2021 by

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) provide resources for NAIDOC week/Aboriginal Sunday 2021 include: Downloadable Didgeridoo Music Virtual Acknowledgement of Country Liturgy Suggestions – Hymns, Prayers of Intercession, Homily notes Inculturation suggestions – integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aspects of culture into the celebration Statics
30 June 2021 by

The AMPJP congratulates Mr Christopher Rigby his recent honour as Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia in recognition of his significant service to health and aged care organisations. Mr Rigby was instrumental in the establishment of Catholic Healthcare, Australia’s oldest Ministerial PJP.  He served as
20 June 2021 by

People with expertise and passion for formation are invited to apply for membership of the AMPJP Formation Committee.   Eva Skira AMPJP Council Chair: We are keen that some of the Committee members are drawn from outside MPJPs. The perspective of the wider Church will be a valuable addition to
20 June 2021 by

 “develop concrete proposals to create a more missionary, Christ-centred Church in Australia” The AMPJP welcomes the publication of the agenda for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia. This agenda will guide discussion as the first Plenary Council assembly which will take place across multiple sites starting on 03 October 20213.
14 June 2021 by

At their May 2021 meeting the AMPJP Council approved the AMPJP Formation Framework for MPJP Canonical Stewards. The introduction to the Framework explains: The Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons Ltd (AMPJP) and its Members recognises the importance of the civil and canonical responsibilities of the Canonical Stewards of Ministerial
28 May 2021 by

The month of May was busy with both a AMPJP Council Strategic Issues Forum and Council meeting 16-17 May 2021 and a CORMSAA meeting 18 May 2021. A highlight of both was that they were face-to-face meetings where those present could speak to individuals and small groups as well to
28 May 2021 by

Coinciding with Pentecost was the national campaign to support a prayerful build-up to the first assembly of the Plenary Council. The “Fan the Flame” campaign is offered as resources for individuals and groups of various sizes and contexts who are providing essential support by praying for the Council journey and
27 May 2021 by

23 participants from all of the 11 AMPJP members plus two representatives from the Institute of Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea: Mercy Ministry Companions gather at Peter Canisius House, Pymble on 16-17 May 2021.     Presentation of the initial draft of 5-year AMPJP Review Report
27 May 2021 by

The hospitality of ACU enabled the Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities (CORMSAA) to meet both at North Sydney and via videoconference in Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane.   Below is a summary of the meeting: And via videoconference and at ACU Nth Sydney   Present Philomena Billington
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