
31 May 2023 by

The number of posts over the month attest to this productive phase in the life of the AMPJP. The Council meeting on 09 May 2023 had a full agenda. The Council meetings in May are always significant as they include the annual review of risks and the consideration of an
31 May 2023 by

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) expresses our support for a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Voice to Parliament. We acknowledge that the Indigenous Voice represents a significant stride towards empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in addressing the deep-seated inequities prevalent in numerous social, economic and
31 May 2023 by

For the past two years, the AMPJP has offered Canonical Stewards from various MPJPs to meet in their capital city to meet a discuss a common issue and to network. In 2023 the topic for discussion was the relationship between the Council of MPJP Canonical Stewards and the boards which
24 May 2023 by

The Association of Ministerial PJPs Ltd (AMPJP) has committed to implementing Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical Laudato si’, with its dual call to respond to both “the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”[1]. The AMPJP does not consume many resources but we acknowledge that some of our
13 May 2023 by

The AMPJP Council recently appointed Mary Retel as the inaugural Western Australian representative to CORMSAA. Mary’s appointment means that CORMSAA has its full complement of members enabling it to better hear and reflect the perspectives of Religious Institutes and Ministerial PJPs across the States/Territories of Australia.   Mary Retel, BA, DipEd,
13 May 2023 by

Summary of AMPJP Council Meeting 09th May 2023 via videoconference   AMPJP review of its relationship with ACSL The Council discussed the report detailing the analysis of survey results and key interviews. Given the significance of this issue the Council agreed to devote a separate meeting solely to considering this
30 April 2023 by

The few posts on the AMPJP website, shouldn’t be taken to mean that I have not been busy over April. I had in-person meetings with: John Mooney, Director of Formation and Mission at Sophia Education Ministries, Jane Comensoli, CEO Good Samaritan Education, and with Marita Winters and Chris Raeside from
6 April 2023 by

St John Chrysostom Hell took a body, and discovered God. It took earth, and encountered Heaven. It took what it saw, and was overcome by what it could not see. O death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is Risen, and you, O death, are
31 March 2023 by

March 2023 was a meeting marathon at AMPJP. The month started with a videoconference meeting of MPJP Executive Officers. Eight people attended out of a possible total of 12. Each person shared their current issues and there was much mutual support and sharing of resources. There were then face-to-face extended
29 March 2023 by

Philomena Billington’s contribution is hailed ahead of the conclusion of her three-year term as Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities Australia (CORMSAA) Chair and Educationalist member of CORMSAA on 07 June 2023. Moira Najdecki, AMPJP Council Chair said:  Phil’s leadership as inaugural CORMSAA Chair has enabled this new Committee
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