
17 December 2021 by

AMPJP contribution to the Catholic Church in Australia’s submission to the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops   “A synodal Church is a Church of participation and co-responsibility.”[1] The bicameral structure of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (MPJP)[2] is an expression of synodal governance that might be helpful in
17 December 2021 by

AMPJP Executive Officer will be on leave from Friday 24 December 2021 and returning to work on Monday 10th January 2022. Feature image courtesy of: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
16 December 2021 by

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time
14 December 2021 by

Major discussion/decisions:   1. AMPJP public comment framework The Council made some minor changes to the most recent draft. The amended framework was approved with a review in 12 months.    2. National Response Protocol The Council discussed the invitation from ACSL that it adopts the National Response Protocol (NRP).
7 December 2021 by

A respected regular on corporate boards in her adopted home of Perth, Eva Skira appears to have led a charmed life. But behind the glowing resume is a tale of resilience, hard work, and the feeling of always being something of an outsider in her own country, a life at
3 December 2021 by

Today, December 3 2021, is an historic day for the Catholic Church in Australia as it marks the commencement of Mercy Ministry Companions, a new ecclesial entity that incorporates ministries in education, health and aged care, and community services.   Mercy Ministry Companions, a ministerial public juridic person of pontifical
29 November 2021 by

The AMPJP world has a sense of that end of year busyness. In addition to business as usual, there is that self-imposed desire to complete before Christmas those tasks that have dragged through the year. We are also conscious that we have a Canonical Stewards Forum in March 2022 and
29 November 2021 by

Major discussion/decisions: 1 Discussion of about the Plenary Council – The Council thanked Eva for her contribution to the Plenary Council, especially her interventions (see AMPJP website). Eva will keep AMPJP informed of the Plenary Council’s progress.   2 AMPJP making public comment – The Council expressed support for the
29 November 2021 by

AMPJP has an ongoing relationship with Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) that is based on our common interests and shared mission as peak bodies for Church Authorities. On 25 Nov 2021, three AMPJP personnel addressed the CRA National Assembly updating them on the work of AMPJP and its members. Eva Skira
13 November 2021 by

Father Joe CHA Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 from St John of God Health Care on Vimeo. St John of God Australia Trustee, Dr Parkinson was awarded the CHA 2021 Sr Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award at the organisation’s national awards ceremony on Thursday (11 November 2021). The award recognises Dr Parkinson’s work over the
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