
17 November 2023 by
Submission Opportunity: Creating a better future for the not-for-profit sector

The Federal Government has opened submissions to inform the Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint. The Blueprint will provide a roadmap for Government reform and sector-led initiatives to boost the sector’s capacity to support and connect Australian communities. The media release and Issues Paper providing further information are attached. The Issues Paper
31 October 2023 by

My name was nominated by the Australian Bishops to Rome for the position of National Director of Catholic Mission back in 2007.  As I would be the first Australian lay Director, there was some resistance within the now Dicastery for  Evangelisation in Rome.  It was one Australian member of the
31 October 2023 by
School Performance in the Age of Accountability

  Evidence-based approaches were key in the recent Forum organised by our CORMSAA team for canonical stewards, Board members and Principals.  Performance in Mathematics needs to improve in all Catholic schools and Marea Nicholson explained the Mastery in Mathematic Project which is designed to deliver improved results across Australia. Parental
28 September 2023 by
RI/ MPJP School Authorities Forum

Carmel Nash OAM Get up to date with key issues impacting Catholic Education today, from the perspective of Religious Institute and MPJP schools. Key topics include Lay Leadership,  the Age of Accountability for schools,  and “where to from here?” after the Referendum.  For leaders of RI/ AMPJP schools and school
28 September 2023 - 13:11, by , in News, Uncategorized, zNewsletter, Comments off
Chair Moira Najdecki Deputy Chair Michael Lee Treasurer Peter Steane The AMPJP Council re-elected Moira Najdecki of Good Samaritan Education and Peter Steane of Catholic Healthcare as Chair and Treasurer respectively, and new member Michael Lee of Calvary Ministries was elected the new Deputy Chair.  Congratulations and thanks to Moira,
28 September 2023 by
CORMSAA Update Report

1.Forum of RI and MPJP School Authorities (and their school Principals and Boards) to be held Oct 16 2023 Key topics include the history of CORMSAA and the growth of Lay Leadership, Improving performance of schools, “where to from here” following the Voice referendum result, and Parental engagement as a
28 September 2023 by
A Protestant view of Lay Organisation leadership…

This book comes from a some important leaders and theologians in Protestant for-purpose organisations.  It is helpful to compare and contrast the views from these authors to those of Catholic thinkers in the same space.  The lead author, Stephen Judd, was the long-term CEO of HammondCare and led their initiative
11 September 2023 by
CORMSAA Committee Report

La Salle Academy Advisory Board Paul Ould was nominated and accepted to become CORMSAA’s representative.   Forum of RI and MPJP School Authorities (and/or their school Principals and Boards) Oct 2023 Key topics include Ochre Education Resources, Governance/Service fee understandings for AMPJP governing bodies, follow up to the implementation of
31 August 2023 by
Executive Director’s report on August 2023

Just a couple of weeks into the job, things are moving very quickly. I attended the meeting of the Council of the AMPJP as an observer before starting in the role, and it was interesting to see the breadth of activity covered by the Association, including collaboration with Australian Catholic
30 August 2023 by
AMPJP Annual General Meeting and Dinner

The Annual General Meeting and Dinner of the AMPJP were held at the Treacy Centre in Melbourne on Aug 20. There were 55 attendees from all the MPJPs in Australia and the two Associates which are yet to gain AMPJP status. AMPJP Chair Moira Najdecki led the AGM where various
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