
10 February 2023 by

At their February 2023 meeting, the AMPJP Council approved the AMPJP’s Safeguarding Policy: AMPJP commitment to safety and wellbeing of children and adults at risk The AMPJP is committed to a Church and society that recognises and advances the dignity of all people. We will especially promote and protect the rights
7 February 2023 by

Meeting Summary of the Committee of Religious Institute and Ministerial PJP School Authorities Australia (CORMSAA), Wednesday 01st February 2023 via ZOOM videoconference   Discussion: Changes in CORMSAA membership Philomena Billington will conclude her term as CORMSAA Chair effective 7 June 2023. CORMSAA’s recommendation to AMPJP is that the next Chair should be
31 January 2023 by

After a two week break over Christmas-New Year, the AMPJP’s work took off with gusto. CORMSAA has a meeting scheduled for 01 Feb 2023 and the AMPJP Council has a meeting on 08 Feb 2023. With meeting papers due the week prior, there was much to do and not much
27 January 2023 by

Job Description The Organisation Dominican Education Australia (DEA) is a Ministerial PJP which has oversight of the six education ministries located in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney which were previously the responsibility of three Dominican Congregations. The Board of Trustees of DEA, in collaboration with each of the incorporated Ministry Boards,
22 December 2022 by

As always, December seems to be a sprint to the finish. The AMPJP Council meet in mid-December which gave me a long “to-do list” for the last couple of weeks. Their decisions mean that I start the new year with key aspects of the March 2023 extended Council meeting sorted
20 December 2022 by

The AMPJP office will be closed from 5.00pm on Friday 23 Dec 2022 and reopen at 9.00am on Monday 09 January 2023. Photo by Lawrie Hallinan
19 December 2022 by

The AMPJP Council, upon recommendation from the AMPJP Formation Committee, has appointed Kerry Brettell as a formator member of the AMPJP Formation Committee. Kerry has extensive experience as an organisational consultant, leadership coach and facilitator. She is a Director of Ascotvale Consulting and previously, was a founding Co-Director of Integroe
15 December 2022 by

Major discussion and decisions from the AMPJP Council meeting 13 Dec 2022   National Catholic Safeguarding Standards 2nd Edition The Council acknowledged the Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) adoption of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards 2nd Edition (NCSS) as a Professional and Safeguarding Standard of the Catholic Church in Australia.
14 December 2022 by

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) has today formally launched the second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) covering adults at risk as well as children. ACSL has worked with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC), Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) and the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP)
1 December 2022 by

November was a busy month with meetings of the AMPJP Council, CORMSAA and the AMPJP Formation Committee. As you can imagine, there is considerable work in preparing papers for meetings as well as the minutes and follow-up required in implementing the decisions of meetings. The month also involved travel to
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